
【London Trip 2024 - Pt 1】 出国・到着・Airbnb・パブ【ENG SUB】




空港から宿泊先まで地下鉄で向かうため、オイスターカード(Oyster Card)を購入したわけですが、今回「7day Travelcard」を、Zone1からZone6までの範囲で購入することにしました。こうすることでヒースロー空港からの移動含め、地下鉄やバスがすべて乗り放題となり、移動の際に運賃や残高を気にするわずらわしさがなかったのがすごく良かったです。

Paddington Station
King’s Cross Station


興奮冷めやまぬまま、イギリス旅行達成を祝うために向かったのは、パブ『The Queens Head』。ハンギングバスケットがイギリスのパブらしい外観、ウッドの重厚感を感じる家具の数々、ムーディな雰囲気を出す暗めの照明、そして週末気分で盛り上がる人々の雰囲気に気分は最高潮。

The Queen's Head

帰路につきほろ酔いでYork Wayを歩いていると、ふと、夕日に照らされるリージェンツ運河の美しさに見惚れ、やらわかな光が長旅と緊張で疲れた身体を包み込んでくれました。


Regents Canal

In August 2024, I finally made it to the UK. It was such an eventful week with a lot of meetings, fun, pleasure, inspiration and even some happenings, it made me realise that this is what a journey is all about.

10 August 2024
It was my first time travelling abroad and hence it was my first international flight. Choosing Japan Airlines turned out to be a great decision, which you will find out why in another article. I struggled with the self-service check-in, but I was relieved that everything else went smoothly. The 14-hour flight to London was more comfortable than expected with great in-flight meals and a surprisingly spacious seat for economy class. Bringing a massage ball and some cough drops helped me to get through the long flight.

I arrived at Heathrow Airport and went through the border by using eGates. Then I purchased an Oyster card, a 7-day travel card covering zones 1 to 6, then took the Tube to get to my accommodation. The travel card made it quite handy to get around by tube or bus as I didn't have to worry about the fare or topping up credit.
I took the Elizabeth Line to Paddington Station, changed trains to the Circle Line, and eventually arrived at St. Pancras Station. I know it sounds simple, but I must admit I didn't find the correct platform at first, and even went through the wrong gate, I had to deal with many unfamiliar things along the way. Looking at the positives, it gave me the chance to make the most of my English skills. When I finally stepped out of St. Pancras Station, King’s Cross Station and the iconic double-decker buses instantly caught my eye. The sight was so impressive that I'll never forget how much it moved me.

I opted to stay at an Airbnb for the trip. After following the instructions from my host, Gail, I picked up my key and checked in. The flat was filled with bookshelves, paintings and carefully selected furniture and decor - it was a lovely place to stay.

I was keen to celebrate making it to the UK, so I went to a pub called The Queen’s Head. The pub had a classic British pub façade with hanging baskets outside, wooden furniture and dimmed lighting inside. I loved seeing people enjoying their weekends, it felt so good to be part of that atmosphere. I sat at the counter and had a great conversation with the staff, Joe, Lali, and a friendly Scottish regular, which filled me up in a way that so much went beyond the food and drinks.

I was walking back to my Airbnb on York Way, I was captivated by the Regents Canal at the beautiful sunset. The soft lights eased my travel fatigue and helped me unwind.

To be continued.
