
【London Trip 2024 - Pt 2】マーケット・サンデーロースト・ランドマークツアー【ENG SUB】


この通りにあるBrick Lane Bookshopという本屋さんでは、イーストロンドンを中心に、ロンドンに関する本や豊富な種類のポストカード、ギフトカードに夢中になりました。

Brick Lane Bookshop

マーケットといえば、もちろんストリートフードは欠かせません。多彩な料理を提供する数々の屋台ストールに誘惑されながら選んだのは「PIGLING STREET」という屋台のベーコン・バップ。「バップ」とは何かという質問をきっかけにトレーダーの方々と会話が始まり、目の前で作られていく様子が食欲をそそり、そして出来立てをいただきます。こうした一連のプロセスが本当に心地よかったです。

Bacon Bap

何かさっぱりした飲み物を求めBackyard Marketを見てまわっていると、「Street Tea」という、慈善団体が運営するお茶専門店の方が気さくに声をかけてくれ、試飲を勧めてくれました。レモングラスのコールドブリューティーが気に入り、テイクアウェイをいただくことに。ここでもスタッフの一人、ギャビーさんとの会話を楽しみました。今年の秋に旅行で日本を訪れるらしく、日本での滞在を楽しんでくれることを祈ります。

ブリックレーンを後にし、Redchurch StreetにあるLabour and Waitの本店や、Wear Londonという質の高いタイムレスなメンズウェアを取り揃えるショップに立ち寄ったりと、ショーディッチを散策。
たくさん歩いた後は、Old Spitalfields MarketにあるClimpson & Sonsでアイスロング・ブラックをテイクアウェイし、近くのベンチに座りながらしばらくぼーっとします。

Labour and Wait

Old Spitalfields Market

イングランド南部に住むイギリス人の友人と、そのパートナーがわざわざロンドンまで来てくれて、一緒にサンデー・ローストを食べにパブに行きました。友人が予約してくれたThe Sherlock Holmes Pubは、2階がレストランになっており落ち着いた雰囲気で、賑やかなパブとはまた違った良さがありました。

Sunday Roast




Trafalgar Square

・Brick Lane Bookshop - https://bricklanebookshop.org
・PIGLING STREET - https://www.piglingstreet.com
・Street Tea - https://www.streettea.co.uk
・ Labour and Wait - https://labourandwait.co.uk
・Wear London - https://wear-london.com
・Climpson & Sons - https://climpsonandsons.com
・The Sherlock Holmes Pub - https://www.greeneking.co.uk/pubs/greater-london/sherlock-holmes

One of my desires in the UK was to see market culture. On Sundays, various markets pop up all over London, and I decided to explore East London, which has always intrigued me.

As the name suggests, the street was lined with brick buildings, and there was vibrant street art everywhere. It was exciting just to wander around such an exotic place.
On Brick Lane, there was an independent bookshop called Brick Lane Bookshop, which had a great selection of books about London focusing on East London. They also had a lot of postcards and gift cards, which drew me in.

A visit to a street market isn't complete without trying some street food. I was tempted by many food stalls that served various food to offer, but ultimately, I went for a bacon bap from a stall called Pigling Street. I asked the trader what exactly a “bap” was and it led to a conversation. Watching him cook my meal right in front of me made me even hungrier. I then enjoyed my freshly made meal. The whole experience made me very happy.

When I was looking for some refreshing drink and having a look around the Backyard Market, the staff from a tea shop run by a charity organisation, kindly offered me a taste of their teas. I fell in love with their cold-brewed lemongrass tea. Naturally, I had to get one to take away.
I also had a nice chat with one of the staff members, Gabby, who mentioned she was visiting Japan this Autumn. Hopefully, she'll enjoy her stay in Japan.

After the visit to Brick Lane, I wandered around Shoreditch, popping into the flagship store of ‘Labour and Wait’ and a menswear store called 'Wear London' which had well-made and timeless clothes. And then moved on to Climpson & Sons at Old Spitalfields Market for their iced long black to take away. I sat back on a bench and relaxed.
Old Spitalfields Market was so lively, with around a hundred stalls.

In the UK, Sundays traditionally mean one thing: Sunday roast.
My British friend and her partner made it all the way from the south to London, and we went to a pub together for a Sunday roast. The Sherlock Holmes Pub, which she booked for us, had a restaurant upstairs and a laid-back atmosphere. It had its own charm, quite different from the livelier pubs around.

Once we finished our slightly early dinner, we went outside and the weather was calm and clear. So, we decided to have a walk around some of London’s iconic landmarks.
They taught me about Nelson’s Column and the Battle of Trafalgar. I also finally got to see the Palace of Westminster, Big Ben and the London Eye - sights I’ve always wanted to see in person.

The days are longer in the summer in London.

To be continued.
