資金運用部: 「Putin tells Western countries their sanctions will lead to food shortages in the 'poorest regions of the world' and cause migration to spike」 <ーそれはそうなのですが
今回は「Putin tells Western countries their sanctions will lead to food shortages in the 'poorest regions of the world' and cause migration to spike」についてコメントをさせていただきます。
Buissness Insider: 6 April,2022
「Putin tells Western countries their sanctions will lead to food shortages in the 'poorest regions of the world' and cause migration to spike」: それはプーチン大統領の言う通りかもしれません。
Both Russia and Ukraine are major exporters of wheat and corn. Russia accounts for almost 17% of global supply of wheat, which makes it the largest exporter of the crop, according to an ING report. Ukraine accounts for 12% of wheat supplies and 17% of corn supply.
検索キー: Putin tells Western countries their sanctions will lead to food shortages in the 'poorest regions of the world' and cause migration to spike