インターネット調査室: 「U.S. to announce $3 billion in new military aid for Ukraine」
今回は「U.S. to announce $3 billion in new military aid for Ukraine」についてコメントさせていただきます。
Reuters: 24 Aug,2022
「U.S. to announce $3 billion in new military aid for Ukraine」: 30億ドル。 円換算で4110億ぐらいの新たなウクライナ支援。 米国2022年の予算は総額1.5兆ドル規模。
The package is being prepared to coincide with Ukraine's independence day on Wednesday.
The package uses funds from the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) appropriated by Congress to allow the Biden administration to procure weapons from industry rather than taking weapons from existing U.S. weapons stocks.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, the official said the new weapons did not appear to include types of arms that had not been provided previously to the Ukrainian military. But the official said it would focus on ammunition and more medium-term objectives like defense systems.
Washington has provided $10.6 billion in military assistance to President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's government since Feb. 24.
ロシアの2022年の国防予算3兆5000億ルーブル: 132億ドルぐらい(2022年5月レート換算))だそうです。 少ない〜。
検索キー: U.S. to announce $3 billion in new military aid for Ukraine