
インターネット調査室: 「Study finds that Japanese children walk differently from those in other countries」 <ー いつもながら、日本に関してなぜこんなのが国際ニュースになるの?

今回は「Study finds that Japanese children walk differently from those in other countries」についてコメントさせていただきます。

Nextshark:  13 Aug,2022

「Study finds that Japanese children walk differently from those in other countries」: そう言われましてもね~

“Scientific Reports,” found that gait patterns among Japanese children aged 6 to 12 vary from those in other developed countries.


An individual’s gait is a complex and unconscious motor pattern vital for daily functioning, and comprises of a sequence of movements using the hip, knee and foot.

つまるところ、日本の 6 − 12 歳の子供たちは個々の歩き方が他の先進国の子供たちと比べ複雑で、無意識に、腰、膝、足の先が順序だてて動いていて健康的。 それがthe journal “Scientific Reports” で発表されたそうです。

studied by scientists from Nagoya University in Japan: walking patterns may be significantly beneficial in determining an individual’s health and quality of life.

名古屋大学曰く、この歩き方は健康&クオリティ・オブ・ライフに利益をもたらすんじゃない? とか。



検索キー: Study finds that Japanese children walk differently from those in other countries
