
第6回:Chat GPTで英語の文法、会話表現力をトレーニングする方法

こちらの記事では、(もちろん一番大切な流暢に話す力のトレーニングも行いながら)Chat GPTで英語の文法、会話表現も深めていく方法をご紹介します。

① Chat GPTとQ&Aを3~5往復程度行う

Chat GPTのチャット画面で、音声入力で

ChatGPT, please ask me any questions, and I will answer them. Please continue to ask questions while reflecting my answers.


Sure, let's start. What's something you enjoy doing in your free time?


自分が文法上誤りやすいところをチェックしたりChat GPTにより洗練された表現を後でChat GPTに提案してもらう対象を増やすために、3~5回はQ&Aのやりとりを往復します。

I enjoy watching football games, both Japanese ones and European ones. In addition to that, nowadays we can watch each player's plays on YouTube as well.


That's great! Do you have a favorite team or player in either Japanese or European football?


Yes, I support Takefusa Kubo, who is playing in Real Sociedad in the Spanish Football League. It is amazing that Japanese player is performing, is providing good performance in the Spanish Football League.


Takefusa Kubo is indeed a talented player, and it's impressive to see him succeed in La Liga. What do you enjoy most about watching Kubo play?


He can dribble past defenders in the Spanish football league, which has many great defensive players, and it's exciting to watch.

と入力しました。この文章は、実は筆者もどう英語で言っていいかわからなかったので、Chat GPTで別のスレッドをたてて




He can dribble past defenders in the Spanish football league, which has many great defensive players, and it's exciting to watch.

と返ってきたため、それをそのままQ&Aのスレッドにコピペしたものです。学校のテストではないので、わからない部分はどんどんChat GPTに訳してもらってコピペしていきましょう。

上記の(コピペしての)回答に対してChat GPTからの次の質問が

Kubo's dribbling skills are indeed impressive and make for exciting viewing. Do you have any favorite matches or memorable moments of Kubo's performances?


Actually, it's a very good question. So I'd say the game against Atletico Madrid when Kubo was in Majorca was memorable game. I don't remember if he got a goal in that game, but he dribbled past very good defenders of Atletico Madrid, which is famous for good defense.


That sounds like a thrilling match to watch! Kubo's ability to take on strong defenses like Atletico Madrid's is definitely impressive. Are there any other players you enjoy watching or any other memorable matches that stand out to you?


Well, Kodai Sano would be another football player who I like. Actually, he is playing in a professional football league in Netherlands, and we don't have many opportunities to watch football matches of Netherlands league. But he was transferred to the Dutch team before he became 20 years old, and still he is providing good performance in the league. So it's impressive, and I really would like to watch more matches of him.


Kodai Sano's journey to the Dutch league at such a young age is indeed impressive. His performance there must be inspiring to many. Have you found any highlights or clips of his games online, or do you follow his progress through other means?


② 自分が話した内容に文法的な誤りがないか(と表現の向上ポイント)をChat GPTで確認する


Chat GPTで別のスレッドを立ち上げ、以下のように先ほどのQ&Aセッションで自分が(音声)入力した回答をはりつけ、

- I enjoy watching football games, both Japanese ones and European ones. In addition to that, nowadays we can watch each player's plays on YouTube as well.

- Yes, I support Takefusa Kubo, who is playing in Real Sociedad in the Spanish Football League. It is amazing that Japanese player is performing, is providing good performance in the Spanish Football League.

- He can dribble past defenders in the Spanish football league, which has many great defensive players, and it's exciting to watch.

- Actually, it's a very good question. So I'd say the game against Atletico Madrid when Kubo was in Majorca was memorable game. I don't remember if he got a goal in that game, but he dribbled past very good defenders of Atletico Madrid, which is famous for good defense.

- Well, Kodai Sano would be another football player who I like. Actually, he is playing in a professional football league in Netherlands, and we don't have many opportunities to watch football matches of Netherlands league. But he was transferred to the Dutch team before he became 20 years old, and still he is providing good performance in the league. So it's impressive, and I really would like to watch more matches of him.


のように最後の文章を加えて送信します。その結果、Chat GPTから以下のように返ってきました。


"In addition to that, nowadays we can watch each player's plays on YouTube as well."
修正後: "In addition to that, nowadays we can also watch each player's highlights on YouTube."

"It is amazing that Japanese player is performing, is providing good performance in the Spanish Football League."
修正後: "It is amazing that a Japanese player is performing well in the Spanish Football League."

"Actually, it's a very good question. So I'd say the game against Atletico Madrid when Kubo was in Majorca was memorable game."
修正後: "Actually, it's a very good question. I'd say the game against Atletico Madrid when Kubo was at Mallorca was a memorable game."

"Well, Kodai Sano would be another football player who I like."
修正後: "Well, another football player I like is Kodai Sano."

"But he was transferred to the Dutch team before he became 20 years old, and still he is providing good performance in the league."
修正後: "He was transferred to the Dutch team before he turned 20, and he is still performing well in the league."

"So it's impressive, and I really would like to watch more matches of him."
修正後: "It's impressive, and I would really like to watch more of his matches."



筆者は基本的な文法はだいたい大丈夫でどちらかというと表現の部分でChat GPTに6箇所直してもらいましたが、英語の学習がより初期の段階ではこのやりとりでChat GPTがもっとたくさん文法上の誤りも指摘してくれ、自分が誤りやすいポイントをピンポイントで補強していけます。

③ 自分が話した内容をChat GPTに、より洗練されたビジネス英語(口語)5通りの別の表現で表現してもらう



Chat GPTで別のスレッドを立ち上げて、以下のように入力します。

I enjoy watching football games, both Japanese ones and European ones. In addition to that, nowadays we can watch each player's plays on YouTube as well.


Chat GPTは以下のように返してきました。

Certainly! Here are five refined versions of your sentence:

I enjoy watching football matches, whether they’re Japanese or European. Plus, these days, we can also catch individual player highlights on YouTube.

I enjoy watching football games from both Japan and Europe. Additionally, we now have the convenience of viewing individual player performances on YouTube.

I love watching football, be it Japanese or European games. Moreover, it’s great that we can now watch player highlights on YouTube.

I enjoy football, both Japanese and European leagues. What’s more, we can now see each player’s performance on YouTube.

I like watching football, whether it's Japanese or European matches. Besides, these days, we can easily watch individual players’ highlights on YouTube.

今回はご参考に、他の回答についてもChat GPTが返してきたより洗練された代替表現をご紹介します。

Yes, I support Takefusa Kubo, who is playing in Real Sociedad in the Spanish Football League. It is amazing that Japanese player is performing, is providing good performance in the Spanish Football League.


(Chat GPT)
Certainly! Here are five refined versions of your sentence:

Yes, I support Takefusa Kubo, who plays for Real Sociedad in the Spanish Football League. It’s amazing to see a Japanese player excelling in such a competitive league.

Absolutely, I’m a fan of Takefusa Kubo, currently with Real Sociedad in Spain’s top football league. It’s impressive how well he’s performing there.

Yes, I follow Takefusa Kubo, who is part of Real Sociedad in the Spanish Football League. It’s incredible to see a Japanese player doing so well in Spain.

Definitely, I support Takefusa Kubo, who plays for Real Sociedad in Spain. It’s fantastic to see a Japanese player making a significant impact in the Spanish League.

Yes, I cheer for Takefusa Kubo, who’s with Real Sociedad in the Spanish Football League. It’s remarkable how a Japanese player is thriving in such a prestigious league.

He can dribble past defenders in the Spanish football league, which has many great defensive players, and it's exciting to watch.


Certainly! Here are five refined versions of your sentence:

He can dribble past defenders in the Spanish league, which is known for its great defensive players, and it's thrilling to watch.

Watching him dribble past defenders in the Spanish football league, which boasts many top-notch defensive players, is truly exciting.

It’s exciting to see him dribble past defenders in the Spanish league, especially given the caliber of defensive talent there.

He has the ability to dribble past defenders in the Spanish football league, which features many great defensive players, making it exciting to watch.

Seeing him dribble past defenders in the Spanish league, known for its excellent defensive players, is incredibly exciting.

Actually, it's a very good question. So I'd say the game against Atletico Madrid when Kubo was in Majorca was memorable game. I don't remember if he got a goal in that game, but he dribbled past very good defenders of Atletico Madrid, which is famous for good defense.


Certainly! Here are five refined versions of your sentence:

That’s a great question. I’d say the game against Atletico Madrid when Kubo was with Mallorca stands out. I can’t recall if he scored, but he dribbled past Atletico’s top defenders, who are known for their strong defense.

Actually, that’s a very good question. I’d highlight the match against Atletico Madrid during Kubo's time at Mallorca. I’m not sure if he scored, but he did dribble past some of Atletico’s excellent defenders, which is impressive given their reputation for solid defense.

That’s a really good question. One memorable game was against Atletico Madrid when Kubo was playing for Mallorca. I don’t remember if he scored, but he certainly dribbled past Atletico’s renowned defenders.

That’s an interesting question. I’d point to the game against Atletico Madrid when Kubo was at Mallorca. I’m not sure if he scored, but he dribbled past some of Atletico’s top-notch defenders, which was impressive given their defensive strength.

Actually, it’s a great question. The game against Atletico Madrid when Kubo played for Mallorca was quite memorable. I can’t recall if he scored, but he managed to dribble past Atletico’s very strong defenders, which is noteworthy considering their defensive prowess.

Well, Kodai Sano would be another football player who I like. Actually, he is playing in a professional football league in Netherlands, and we don't have many opportunities to watch football matches of Netherlands league. But he was transferred to the Dutch team before he became 20 years old, and still he is providing good performance in the league. So it's impressive, and I really would like to watch more matches of him.


Sure, here are five refined versions of your sentence:

Another football player I admire is Kodai Sano. He plays in the professional league in the Netherlands, and we don’t often get to see those matches. He transferred to the Dutch team before turning 20 and continues to perform well. It’s impressive, and I’d love to watch more of his games.

I also have a great admiration for Kodai Sano. He’s playing professionally in the Netherlands, though we rarely get to see their matches. He moved to the Dutch league before he was 20 and has been performing excellently. It’s quite impressive, and I wish I could watch more of his games.

Kodai Sano is another footballer I really like. He’s currently playing in the Netherlands’ professional league, although we don’t often get to see those games. He joined the Dutch team before he turned 20 and has been performing remarkably well. It’s very impressive, and I’d love to see more of his matches.

Another player I’m fond of is Kodai Sano. He’s playing in the professional league in the Netherlands, where we don’t get many chances to watch the games. He joined the Dutch team before turning 20 and has been doing exceptionally well. It’s impressive, and I’d really like to watch more of his matches.

I also like Kodai Sano, who plays in the Netherlands' professional football league. We don’t get many opportunities to watch Dutch league matches, but he transferred there before turning 20 and has been performing well. It’s impressive, and I’d love to see more of his games.


Chat GPTに5つの代替表現を出力してもらうことで、より多くの英語の表現方法を確認することができます。



こちらの記事ではChat GPTとのQ&Aセッションで自分が話した内容の文法チェックとより多くの表現を学習する方法についてご紹介しましたが、その学習には一定の時間を割かないといけなくなってしまうことから、基礎レベルや初級を目指す段階ではこちらのトレーニングはほどほどにしてまずは実際に話している時間を多めに確保するようにして、中級を目指す段階以降はこちらの文法や表現といったより細かい点も深く理解をしていくかたちで大丈夫かと思っています。

