
Led class of Ashtanga yoga is NO OVERTAKING

There are 2 styles of Ashtanga Yoga practice.
One is Mysore class that I introduced last time and Led class that I am going to introduce this time.

In this class, everyone practices together to match the teacher’s count.
It's a very simple way to practice.

By the way, Led does not mean red, but the past perfect form of lead, meaning to be guided
(in Japanese language red and led are the same sound). The class is guided.

A full primary Led class is often found on the Ashtanga Yoga workshop menu. The half-primary Led class you see in the studio's class menu.

In the full primary class you perform all the poses in the primary (1st) series in order and everyone practices according to the count.
Half, of course, is up to half of that.


It is an important class where you can check and remember the correct order of poses and the number of breaths.
For those who are new to it, it is very easy to participate, and you can learn the order while getting used to the air, the overall flow, and the speed.

There are many cases where the contents of the beginner class are half primary Led classes, such as adding commentary and reducing the poses.

If you are used to practicing, you can’t help getting habit of your own style. So practicing in a Led class gives you a very good opportunity to look into your practice again by matching the person's count, and reconfirm the decided breathing time and movement.

In the workshop menu it often contains teachers' explanation with questions & answers in this full primary Led class.

It is easy to participate for a new starter, and there is no doubt that you can learn various things.
Even if you are used to practice, I always feel that it is an important opportunity to look at your routine again.


It is also interesting that the way of proceeding is different depending on the teacher.
Ashtanga yoga has a set of order and respiratory numbers, so the basics are the same, but the ways of proceeding in the class express the teacher’s attitude and character.

For example, some teachers simply count in Sanskrit or English, while others explain the movement in detail.

Some teachers don't make that much adjustment, while others always make adjustment to someone.

Some teachers aim for the count to be even like a metronome, while others subtly adjust the speed according to the students and feeling of the air.

I think all of them are correct. All you have to do is practice in a Led class that's right for you.

By the way, I do Led class with all the latter, because my teachers do so.


Speaking of a common occurrence in Led classes, there is always someone to overtake the count and lead the way far ahead.I sometimes overtake.

Led class is prohibited from ovetaking. (laughs)
Let's move according to the teacher's count as much as possible.
It is a valuable opportunity.

A sense of unity. Groove. Energy. And mindlessness.
It is a class where you can often experience such various invisible things.

Now, let's go to a Led class together!

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