英検1級学習記 今日の単語(5/31)
「知的生活において重要なことは、知的な仕事を行っているときは、その過程を心から楽しむということである。 その仕事を終えることばかり気にしていると、仕事そのものが苦痛になり、結局は挫折してしまうことが多くなる。 知的生活を志すものは、知性の旅は無限に長いということをまず認識しなければならない。 一歩一歩前進することが知的生活における最大の秘訣である。」
In intellectual life, it's crucial to genuinely enjoy the process when engaging in intellectual work. If one only focuses on finishing the task, the work itself becomes burdensome, often leading to eventual frustration and failure. Those aspiring to an intellectual life must first recognize that the journey of intellect is infinitely long. Taking one step at a time is the greatest secret to intellectual life.
・The spread of misinformation on social media can be exponential, reaching millions of people within hours.
使ってみた。(CHAT GPT修正済)
The number of tourists got exponential after Covid-19. (自作)
Corrected Sentence:
The number of tourists grew exponentially after Covid-19.
Verb Choice:
Original: "got exponential"
Correction: "grew exponentially"
Reason: The phrase "got exponential" is not grammatically correct in this context. Instead, "grew exponentially" is a more appropriate way to describe rapid increase. "Exponential" is an adjective, so it needs to modify a verb like "grow" or "increase."
The number of tourists saw exponential growth after Covid-19.
There was an exponential increase in the number of tourists after Covid-19.
Tourism experienced exponential growth after Covid-19.