
Araund fifty's OYAJI trained at home for 15 minutes every day for 3 and a half years

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It's been more than three and a half years since I continued to do muscle training every day in earnest. At first I thought I would go to the gym, but I could see that it would never continue, so I prepared an environment where I could do it at home. We prepared three items: dumbbells, push-up bars, and abdominal muscle rollers.

The muscle training menu is based on what was posted on Tarzan, and the abdominal muscles include 4 sets of "Noga Channel" and 1 set of back muscles. I train my abdomen and legs on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays, my arms on Mondays and Thursdays, and my chest on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Recently, I haven't used abdominal muscle rollers so much because I'm doing my best just to channel.

Here is the result after three and a half years.


Isn't it quite a body for Araund fifty's OYAJI About 80% of people in this age group have a metabolic syndrome. It's possible to make macho any more, but my wife hates mukimuki, so I wonder if this is the best. As for me, too much mukimuki macho is unpleasant, so I'm going to keep it by increasing the chest circumference a little more.

I used to do push-ups and abs about four years ago, but I was doing the wrong muscle training, and I was rather a bean sprout, so if I continue every day, I will definitely get stronger.


Muscle training has no disadvantages and only advantages. Here are seven things that made me happy to continue muscle training.

Improves metabolism

Muscle consumes more energy than fat. In terms of a car, it is in a state of poor fuel economy because it has an engine with a large displacement. In the case of humans, poor fuel economy = better metabolism. Simply put, even if you eat a little, you will not get fat easily. Even if you eat too much after a drinking party or dinner, the weight will return to normal immediately after the next day if you eat a little less or do a little aerobic exercise. After gaining muscle, I didn't gain weight at all even if I ate as much as I wanted. However, I always try to eat in the 8th minute of my stomach.

Immunity rises

Since I started muscle training, I have become almost free from illness. I can spend my time without catching a cold or the flu. Also, the symptoms of hay fever have completely disappeared. The coronavirus scary and scary disease is widespread in the world, but I don't feel like getting infected at all. The basic no-mask is good for hand washing and gargling. Even from the theory of probability, it is unlikely that you will be infected with corona. It's no wonder why only Corona is treated specially, even though it's much more likely to get the flu or other illnesses such as cancer or pneumococcus.

Since I take Meiji Yogurt R1 every other day, I feel that it may have an effect, but the synergistic effect definitely boosts my immunity and protects my body from various viruses and illnesses.

Looks cool

Before doing muscle training, it was like bean sprouts, but with muscles on the shoulders and upper arms, it became a solid physique. The wider shoulders make it look cooler when you wear a suit or jacket. The abdominal muscles are broken into six packs, but I don't have many chances to show them, so in case of emergency.

A slender shirt becomes slammed and it becomes difficult for my arms to move, so if I add more muscles, I will limit what I can wear, so I will moderate it.

Makes your skin beautiful

I'm just over 48 years old now, but when I meet for the first time, I can always see it below my age. It may be a flattery, but when you say your actual age, it can be quite surprising. Muscle training will definitely improve the luster of your skin. I don't use cosmetics or milky lotion every day, but I think it's quite smooth and has less wrinkles than my generation. Women are more effective than men, and those who have muscle training have beautiful skin. Women don't build muscle easily, but their skin changes at a relatively early stage.

Mental becomes stronger

When you do muscle training, a hormone called "testosterone" is secreted and acts on your mental health. The reason I started muscle training in the first place was because at the end of the year four years ago, I was overstressed and sickened my mind, and as a result of investigating how to recover from it, I found that muscle training was the most effective.

In fact, I recovered quickly and now I am having more fun than before. I'm definitely stronger mentally and physically than at that time, so I think I can overcome some things. If you are too busy with work, suffer from power harassment, or feel unemployed or bankrupt due to the influence of corona, you should try muscle training first. I'm sure it will go in the right direction.

Sleep better, wake up better

Since I started muscle training, I've been able to fall asleep better and sleep immediately. Waking up usually wakes up naturally before the alarm clock rings. However, it may be too early because I may wake up around 5 o'clock because I am old.
Before you go to sleep, you can meditate, or use a stretch pole to do yoga while you sleep, and then relax before going to sleep. This also has a good effect, so please try it if you have trouble falling asleep.

As mentioned above, I have told you that I am glad that I did muscle training. Muscle training has no disadvantages, only advantages. The cost is only a few thousand yen to get the tools first and the daily protein fee. I drink protein every morning after training and after golf practice, but it costs about 3,000 yen a month. If you can get good health, look good, and be popular, there is no such high cost investment. Not only men but also women will definitely have beautiful skin, so please try it!

Thank you for reading it until the very end!
