

今日は「M&M’s」のマース、「プリングルズ」のケラノバを買収へ の英訳でビジネス英語の表現をまなびます!

M&M's maker Mars to acquire Pringles maker Kellanova

US snack food manufacturer Mars announced that it has agreed to acquire Kellanova for just under $36 billion. This will be the largest merger and acquisition (M&A) this year.

According to an announcement by the two companies on the 14th, Mars will pay $83.50 for each Kellanova share, which represents a 33% premium to the closing price on the 2nd. The merger talks between Mars, which is strong in chocolate confectionery, and Kellanova, which develops brands such as potato chips "Pringles", were reported on the 4th. The 2nd was the last business day before that.

The packaged food industry is facing declining sales, stalled growth, and weak consumption worldwide. Companies are trying to innovate and develop new markets to boost sales, but consumers are tired of high prices, a trend that could lead to further industry restructuring.
"The deal marks the first major packaged food acquisition in nearly a decade and could pave the way for further M&A activity in the sector," Bloomberg Intelligence analyst wrote in a report.

Kellanova shares closed at $80.28, up 7.8%, in New York on the 14th. They had risen 33% this year.

Kellanova, which was spun off from cereal giant Kellogg at the end of last year, has performed better than its peers. It raised its full-year earnings forecast this month. In its second-quarter results, new products and marketing efforts boosted sales.

With cocoa prices hitting record highs, the acquisition of Kellanova will help Mars diversify away from chocolate confectionery. It is also expected to give a boost to its presence in international markets. Mars Snacking, which will own Kellanova after the deal closes, said it aims to double the size of its business over the next decade.

Analysts say a combination of the two companies would not raise major antitrust concerns because there is limited overlap in their products.



「M&M’s」のマース、「プリングルズ」のケラノバを買収へ (msn.com)



acquire 買収する
acquisition 買収
antitrust concerns 独占禁止法の懸念
boost 増強する
closing price 終値
confectionery 菓子
diversify 多様化する
earnings forecast 収益予測
full-year 通年
international markets 国際市場
marketing efforts マーケティング活動
merger 合併
merger talks 合併交渉
packaged food industry 包装食品業界
premium プレミアム
presence 存在感
record highs 史上最高値
restructuring 再編
shares 株
stalled growth 成長の停滞
stock 株式
weak consumption 消費の低迷


Mars decided to acquire Kellanova.
The acquisition will be finalized next month.
There are no major antitrust concerns.
This strategy will boost our market share.
The closing price of the stock was $80.28.
Mars is well-known for its confectionery products.
The company plans to diversify its product line.
The earnings forecast has been revised upwards.
The full-year report will be released soon.
They aim to expand into international markets.
Their marketing efforts have been successful.
The merger will create a stronger company.
Merger talks began earlier this year.
The packaged food industry is facing challenges.
They offered a 33% premium on the stock price.
The company's presence in Asia is growing.
Cocoa prices have reached record highs.
The restructuring will improve efficiency.
The company issued new shares.
The industry is experiencing stalled growth.
The stock has performed well this year.
Weak consumption is affecting sales.


生成AIのCopilot(ChatGPT GPT-4)に「プリングルズの市場規模」についてケースインタビューを作成してもらいました!

Market Size for Pringles in Japan
Interviewer: Good morning! Today, we’ll be discussing the market size for Pringles in Japan. Are you ready to get started?
Candidate: Good morning! Yes, I’m ready.
Interviewer: Great. Let’s begin with some background information. What do you know about Pringles?
Candidate: Pringles is a popular brand of potato crisps owned by Kellogg’s. They are known for their unique shape and packaging in cylindrical cans.
Interviewer: That’s correct. Now, let’s estimate the market size for Pringles in Japan. How would you approach this problem?
Candidate: I would start by breaking down the problem into smaller, manageable parts. First, I would estimate the total population of Japan. Then, I would determine the percentage of the population that consumes potato crisps. After that, I would estimate the average consumption per person and finally, calculate the market size in terms of revenue.
Interviewer: Sounds like a solid approach. Let’s go step by step. What is the current population of Japan?
Candidate: The current population of Japan is approximately 125 million people.
Interviewer: Good. Now, what percentage of the population do you think consumes potato crisps?
Candidate: Based on my research, I would estimate that around 60% of the population consumes potato crisps.
Interviewer: That seems reasonable. So, 60% of 125 million is approximately 75 million people. Now, how would you estimate the average consumption per person?
Candidate: I would consider factors such as the frequency of consumption and the average serving size. Let’s assume that the average person consumes one can of Pringles per month. That would be 12 cans per year.
Interviewer: Okay. So, 75 million people consuming 12 cans per year would result in a total of 900 million cans annually. Now, let’s estimate the revenue. What is the average price of a can of Pringles in Japan?
Candidate: The average price of a can of Pringles in Japan is around ¥300.
Interviewer: Great. So, multiplying the total number of cans by the average price, we get 900 million cans multiplied by ¥300, which equals approximately ¥270 billion.
Candidate: That’s correct. So, the estimated market size for Pringles in Japan is around ¥270 billion annually.
Interviewer: Excellent work! You’ve done a great job breaking down the problem and arriving at a reasonable estimate. Do you have any questions or additional thoughts on this topic?
Candidate: Thank you! I don’t have any questions at the moment, but I would like to mention that this estimate could vary based on factors such as seasonal consumption patterns, promotional activities, and competition from other brands.
Interviewer: Absolutely. Those are important considerations. Well done, and thank you for your insights.
Candidate: Thank you!

候補者:現在の日本の人口は約 1 億 2,500 万人です。
候補者:私の調査によると、ポテトチップスを消費する人口は 60% 程度だと思います。
面接官:それは妥当なようですね。1 億 2,500 万人の 60% は約 7,500 万人です。では、1 人あたりの平均消費量をどのように推定しますか?
候補者:消費頻度や平均サービング サイズなどの要素を考慮します。平均的な人が 1 か月に 1 缶のプリングルズを消費すると仮定しましょう。これは年間 12 缶になります。
面接官:わかりました。では、7,500 万人が年間 12 缶を消費するとすると、年間合計 9 億缶になります。では、収益を推定しましょう。日本でのプリングルズ 1 缶の平均価格はいくらですか?
候補者: 日本でのプリングルズの缶の平均価格は約 300 円です。
面接官: 素晴らしいですね。缶の総数に平均価格を掛けると、9 億缶 × 300 円となり、約 2,700 億円になります。
候補者: 正解です。つまり、日本でのプリングルズの推定市場規模は年間約 2,700 億円ということですね。
面接官: 素晴らしい仕事ですね。問題を細かく分析して、妥当な見積もりを出すのにとても役立ちましたね。このトピックについて、何か質問や追加のご意見はありますか?
候補者: ありがとうございます。今のところ質問はありませんが、季節的な消費パターン、プロモーション活動、他のブランドとの競争などの要因によって、この見積もりは変わる可能性があることをお伝えしたいと思います。
面接官: まったくその通りです。それらは重要な考慮事項です。よくできました。ご意見をありがとうございました。
候補者: ありがとうございます。



