【3min-DAIRY NEWS】まいにち英語☼The Vibration of Walking Becomes Energy
Sierra Leone is a
country located on the
western coast of Africa.
Energy poverty is a
serious issue here.
In rural areas
in particular,
only 6% of the
population has access
to electricity, and
most rely on solar lanterns
and dry cell batteries.
Those who do not have
access to electricity
are cutting down trees
for firewood,
which has led to
deforestation and
frequent house fires.
“Optim Energy”
a start-up company
founded by
Jeremiah Solonka
at the age of 17,
has succeeded in
providing free electricity
to 150 households
of about 1,500 citizens
and 15 schools attended by
more than 9,000 students
with just two devices,
using a new method
of generating electricity
by converting the vibrations
created by cars and
pedestrians on the road.
He was the winner of
the Global Student Prize 2021,
an award established by
an international educational
organization in the UK.
He plans to use the
$100,000 prize money
to expand his efforts
to bring electricity to
100,000 people by 2030.
This article is republished from IDEASFORGOOD.
ジェレマイア・ソロンカさんが17歳の時に立ち上げたスタートアップ企業「オプティム・エナジー社」は、自動車や歩行者が道路で生み出す振動をクリーンな電気に変換するという新たな発電方法で、わずか2台の装置で、約1,500人の市民が暮らす150世帯と9,000人以上の生徒が通う15校に電気を無料で提供することに成功しました。そしてイギリスの国際教育機関が設立した賞である「Global Student Prize 2021」の受賞者になりました。また、受賞で得た10万ドルの賞金を使い2030年までに10万人の人々に電気を届けるため、活動を拡大する予定だそうです。
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