【3min-DAIRY NEWS】まいにち英語☼Japan Lowers Age of Adulthood to 18
For the first time in over 140 years,
Japan has lowered
the legal definition of an adult.
Those aged 18 and 19 acquired new freedoms and responsibilities when the adulthood age was dropped from 20 to 18 in April 2022.
The change
aims to encourage
active social participation
in society.
But it has also raised concerns that being allowed to enter into consumer contracts without parental consent will make youth easy targets for scams.
The legal age of marriage
for women was revised upwards
from 16 to 18,
while the legal age of marriage for men remains at 18. But people under 20 still require parental consent.
The Japanese imperial government first set the adult age at 20 in 1876. In 2016, the legal age to vote in elections was lowered to 18.
日本では140年以上ぶりに成人の法的定義が引き下げられました。2022年4月に成人年齢が20歳から18歳に引き下げられ、18歳と19歳の人たちが新たな自由と責任を手に入れました。 この変更は、社会への積極的な参加を促すことを目的としています。しかし、親の同意なしに消費者契約を結ぶことが許されることで、若者が詐欺のターゲットになりやすいという懸念も出ています。
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