韓国教員団体総連合会、試験問題を塾に売った教師に対する沈黙(The Korean Federation of Teachers' Associations' Silence on Teachers Selling Test Questions to Academies)

最近、小学校教師の自殺事件を契機に教員団体の教師処遇改善を要求する声が高まっている。 教師の自殺事件は、保護者の強圧が原因だったと推測される。 このようなことは明らかに間違っており、是正されなければならない。
しかし、すべての保護者が教師を無視して圧力を行使しない。 普通は保護者が教師を尊重するのが一般的だ。 特別に権力がありながら序列主義が強い一部の父兄だけの話だ。
過去のような絶対的な優位の教師でなくても、相対的に教師が保護者に残念なことを言う必要はない。 過去の無所不為のパワーを持った教師を懐かしむなら、今の境遇がかなり弱くなって不満を語ることもありうる。
しかし、過去の教師は真の教師ではなかった。 生徒に対する殴打は基本であり、保護者から贈り物と現金まで受け取るのが慣例でもあった。 教育に対する専門性さえない教師も多かった。
今は教師になるのが難しくなり、それだけ質的に優秀な資源が教師として活動している。 しかし、金を稼ぐ職業と考え、使命感のない教師が増加したのも事実だ。
今回の私設塾に試験問題を大量に流出し、金を受け取った教師が297人もいるという。 おそらくもっと多くの教師が存在するだろう。 確認されたのは297人だ。 氷山の一角とみる意見が多い。 にもかかわらず、教員団体は自分たちの権利だけを主張し、反省はない。
教員団体だけではない。 団体の利益のために庶民の犠牲や国の発展を無視するのが一度や二度ではない。 特に権力を持っている団体(医者、検察、警察、弁護士、監査院、国税庁)のパワーは恐ろしい。
被害はそのまま力のない庶民に回る。 そして庶民もそのような団体に入るために努力する。 本当に力のない庶民だけが与えられたまま結果を受け入れなければならない。

Seeing the teachers' union asserting only their rights while remaining silent about their responsibilities makes me reflect on whether our stance is any different. In the wake of a recent incident where an elementary school teacher took their own life, demands for better treatment of teachers by the union are growing. It is speculated that parental pressure was a cause behind the teacher's suicide. Such incidents are undoubtedly wrong and should be rectified.
However, all parents ignore teachers and do not exert pressure. Usually, it is common for parents to respect teachers. This is only the story of some parents who are particularly powerful and have strong hierarchy.
Parents are supposed to respect teachers for their children's education because they are entrusted with their children.

Even if the teacher is not an absolute superior teacher as in the past, there is no need for the teacher to say something relatively regrettable to the parents. If there's a longing for the power that teachers had in the past, it might stem from the fact that the current position has become weaker, allowing for grievances to be aired. However, the teachers of the past weren't true educators. Physical punishment of students was common, and it was customary for teachers to receive gifts and cash from parents. Many teachers lacked expertise in education.
Nowadays, becoming a teacher has become more difficult, resulting in a higher quality of professionals in the field. However, it's also true that there's an increase in teachers who view the profession solely as a means of making money, lacking a sense of mission.
Recently, it was revealed that 297 teachers were involved in mass leaking of exam questions to private cram schools in this editorial. There are likely even more teachers involved. This number represents only a fraction of the whole issue. Nevertheless, the teachers' union continues to assert only their rights and shows no signs of reflection.
It's not just the teachers' union; many organizations disregard the sacrifices of ordinary citizens and the nation's development for the sake of their interests. Especially, the power of influential groups is formidable.
The consequences fall heavily on powerless citizens. And these citizens also strive to join such groups. Indeed, only the powerless citizens must accept the results as they are given.
I, too, have often criticized these societal phenomena and felt regret about not possessing such power. I am reflection on myself.
I want to spread the truth that if one abandons greed, appreciates the happiness given, and lives in gratitude, help will naturally arise from the surroundings, even without pursuing power.(Q's hope)
