
小説『Just a Little Bit Suicidal』日本語訳付き。


Just a Little Bit Suicidal

Chapter 1

「この話、凄くいいと思いませんか? 彼女はアルコールでオーバードースをして。カリフォルニアのサンタモニカで!」
「ドクター! それが7月だったんですよ! 警察もそれが誰で、どうして死んだのか、なかなか分からなかったんだ!」
……日本人ってアルビノの白くて赤い目の蛇を信仰するでしょう? 雄の蛇は二匹の雌と一時に交尾できるんです……。それでマスターベーションする時どうやるのかなって。一個ずつするのかな、それとも両方一緒にやるのかなって。もし、一つだけだったら、もう一つのが悲しくて寂しい思いするんじゃないかな。でも、もし二本一緒にやったら、両方のペニスを満足させるためには、よっぽどの集中力が必要だろうなって。」

「誰かが蛇にはペニスが二つ付いてるって言ったんだ。そうだとすると、どうやってマスターベーションすると思う? 一個ずつ? それとも二個一緒?」

Just a Little Bit Suicidal

Chapter 1
My psychiatrist opens the door. I look at his fake Buddha smile. “Shoji, how are you?” “I'm fine, just a little bit suicidal.” I sit on the leather couch.
“All this week, I've been thinking about an actress who committed suicide in the 90's. She was a 6 ft. tall, gorgeous fashion model and an actress. She had bipolar disorder like me. She was addicted to alcohol and anti-anxiety drugs like me.” The doctor's smile is gone.
“Her drug was called 'phenobarbital'. Doctor, do you know about this medication?” He doesn't answer. “Don't you think the story is fascinating, doctor? She took an overdose with alcohol in Santa Monica, California!”
I raise my voice with excitement and the doctor raises his voice with frustration. “So what?” He stands up from the old-fashioned doctor's chair and stares at me. “A Young man like you shouldn’t think about a death like this.”
“Doctor! It was in July! Police had a hard time identify her and figuring out the cause of death!”
It was hot, she was still sweating even after she died. Millions of happy bugs flew in circles over the body. The mixed smells of alcohol and the drug from her body fluid... This is my dream... my dream death!
My doctor sits down, we both cool down now. “She was one of the granddaughters of Ernest Hemingway. Her name was Margaux. Her grandfather had bipolar and she committed suicide on the same day he shot himself in July.
The doctor's Buddha smile suddenly comes back and he asks me the same question again. “Are you suicidal?”
“Yes, just a little bit, like I said earlier.”
He sighs. “Why do we have to have the same conversation every time you are here?” I look at the heavy marble clock on his desk, we still have 15 minutes.
“Shoji, what else have you been thinking about this week?”
“I've been thinking about snakes a lot, when I wasn't thinking about the Hemingways because someone told me that a male snake has two penises…
…You know, Japanese worship pure white albino snakes with red eyes. He can have sex with two females at a time... I wonder how they masturbate, one penis at a time or two together. If he does only one, I guess the other one feels sad and lonely, but if he does two together, he needs a lot of concentrations to make both penis satisfied at the same time.”
“Is there any connection between the actress and the snakes?” he asks. I've never thought about that. I look at the clock, we have 7 more minutes.
“I feel subtle happiness in her death.” Margaux Hemingway was born with invisible white wings on her back but they got heavier and heavier, until she fell to the ground and couldn't fly anymore.
In July, 1996, Santa Monica. Her body was still hot after she died, then cold and hot again. Her sweat was crystallized with alcohol and the anti-anxiety, called 'phenobarbital'. The semitransparent crystals were small...
…they slowly started creeping on her neck, and they formed tiny white snakes with red eyes. They were males who had two penises each. They danced, had sex and tangled around each other, curling up and down her body, speeding up and up...”

Chapter 2
I'm on the train, looking at my phone. It says 4 pm. I feels strange, time goes with the same speed around the world, hour, minute and second. No one can stop it. We're all going forward to the end, to the end of the world. We're controlled by the time from the space satellite. That makes me nervous.
I get out of the train at Shinagawa station. My boyfriend, Hiroki, works near here. I'm going to the cafe where we usually meet.
I try to not, but I'm still thinking about Margaux and white snakes. I'm walking on the street, in my brain, Margaux and snakes are crawling faster than me. They pass me, then turn around and come back toward me.
I find the brick bench in the small park. It feels cold, the summer in Tokyo is not over yet. I can hear the sound of the wind but I can't feel it. I want to talk to my boyfriend. My hands are trembling.
“Syoji, can you wait one more hour?” he answers. Hiroki is the most mentally healthy person I've ever met.
The snakes are still creeping around me, even faster now. They look whiter under the tree. They're tangled around each other. I quickly count them... there are thirteen with twenty six red eyes.
I arrive at the cafe, I'm exhausted. This is the old cafe. I like the chairs with velvet cushions. I close my eyes... I remember they were in my dream last week, Margaux and snakes. If I could reverse the dream, I might get rid of these delusions... going back before the nightmare began but unfortunately...
... I don't know how.
If I could reverse the dream that I had when I was born, I might escape from this world. I have to remember what kind of dream I was having inside my mother’s body. I close my eyes again...
When I open my eyes, Hiroki is smiling at me. He is wearing a nice summer suit and tie. “How was your psychiatrist?” he gives me a wink.
“He didn't like my story.” I look down. Hiroki is five year older. I sometimes feel like I'm a little boy when I'm with him.
“What story?” He sits next to me closely. Some people look at us. Hiroki is a graphic designer, he is open about his sexuality.
“Someone told me that male snakes have two penises each. How do you think they masturbate? One at a time, or both together?”
“I would say use both hands,” he giggles.
“Snakes don't have hands, you can't touch your penises,” I said seriously.
“Then, I would find a female,” he said.
“You're gay, Hiroki,” I laugh.
I'm getting tired. I open and close my eyes. These delusions make me exhausted. The waiter brings me coffee; it's fresh and hot. The smell of coffee go directory into my brain.
Suddenly a question comes to my mind. What colour is an albino snake's tongue?
I take my phone from my pocket and search but it's not easy. I see a lot of his round red eyes but I can't find any photo showing his tongue... My anxiety goes up and up.
“Shoji, did you tell your doctor about the snakes?” he holds my hands. “Yes, and I told him that I'm a little bit suicidal.” I'm almost crying. Hiroki grabs my phone and we leave the cafe.
There is the small park that I stopped on the way. We sit on the same bench. I tell him about Margaux Hemingway, who she is and how much I'm fascinated by her death...
... I see Margaux and snakes come from behind me and pass me again. They turn around, look into my eyes and then move slowly toward me.
I start crying but not because I'm scared. Hiroki holds my hand. He knows I'm seeing something that I'm not supposed to see.
I want to find out about my last dream, my last life and my last death.
One of the snakes jumped high. I can almost touch him. His scales look wet. He opens his mouth wide and I see the blood red tongue.


The End

初出 2018?

#hemingway #ヘミングウェイ #蛇 #ネムキリスペクト #自殺願望 #精神科医 #英語 #小説 #英語で小説を書こう #英作文 #英文法 #inkitt #NEMURENU



