The beauty of patience

initially posted on: 2018/01/08 09:09

AUG27, 2017

How could I be that mean to that tolerate person?

I shall trust that person no matter what for the rest of my life.

 As they say "love like you have never been betrayed".

AUG28, 2017

The last week of teaching at my 2nd school, single.

Ahh I love this morning last sun-light waking me up!

It's such a bliss---!

Can I trust my people however hard or 'cracky' the circumstance may seem at the moment?

Can I remember the very 'apple' of the person, and redirect my energy for 'loving', not getting angry giving in to the sad-seeking karma within?

Let me choose to trust.

Can I seek the attitude towards life as my being? ---Even stretch it to my own spouse?

Can I maintain calmness no matter what the circumstances seem harsh on you, and interpret them as 'cultural' or 'interpersonal' difference?

---Oh lord there's a sea huge to learn from you!
