BBC 1分ニュース 10 March, 2022
1. Ukraine says three people were killed including a child after that
maternity hospital (産科病院)was bombed during a supposed ceasefire in Mariupol. Its mayor says President Putin has destroyed a peaceful city.
ウクライナの発表によると、産科病院がマリウポリの停戦と思われる時に爆撃され、子供を含む3人が死亡しました。市長が プーチン大統領は平和な街を破壊したと言っています。
"They wanted to take the lives of our children our women our doctors who've been fighting for 14 days of war for the lives of every child who came under fire from enemy weapons".
2. Heineken and Unilever are the latest firms to pull out of Russia.
3. The Foreign Ministers of Ukraine and Russia are holding face-to-face talks in
Turkey to try to come to some agreement. That would end the conflict.
4. Preparing to defend themselves against the Russian army residents of Ukraine's
biggest seaport Odessa create their own weapons for a possible attack.
ロシア軍から身を守るために、ウクライナの住民たちは オデッサ最大の港で、攻撃に備えて自分たちで武器を作っています。
Ukraine's third largest city has been braced for a Russian assault for many days now and having seen what's happened elsewhere they know what to expect when it comes.
5. The UK government's looking at streamlining (合理化)its refugee scheme for those fleeing the war in Ukraine. It comes after widespread condemnation for its handling of refugees visas.
"The Home Secretary is very much aware of the need to remove as much bureaucracy
as she can but she does have to balance that against the risk and I know she'll make the right choice".
6. And Chelsea football club's owner Roman Abramovich is sanctioned by the UK for
his links to Vladimir Putin as the UK government continues to pressure Russia
over its invasion of Ukraine.