
BBC 1分ニュース 27 February, 2022

1.  There have been several powerful explosions near Kiev as residents of the
Ukrainian capital have hunkered down (身をひそめる)for another night.   Multiple reports say one explosion was caused by a missile attack on an oil depot southwest of the city.  The fire can be seen glowing(光を放つ) in the night sky.

キエフ近郊で強力な爆発が数回発生し、ウクライナの首都は今晩も身を潜めています。 複数の報道によると、南西にある石油備蓄基地へのミサイル攻撃によって1つの爆発が起こりました。  火は夜空に光っているのが見えます。

2.   The UN refugee agency says the Russian invasion has driven more than 150,000 people to flee Ukraine to neighboring countries further west.  The vast majority have gone to Poland many to join friends and family others have gone to countries including Hungary, Moldova, Romania and Slovakia.


4.  A western coalition including the U.S, the European Union, Canada and the UK is to cut off some Russian banks from the swift interbank payment system.  The EU commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said the aim was to president Vladimir Putin's ability to finance his war machine.



