
日本の文化の一つ「節分」。煎り大豆を撒いて、無病息災を祈る伝統行事です。Setsubun is a traditional Japanese event where people throw roasted soybeans and pray for good health.

 Yesterday was Setsubun. In Japan, there is a traditional event where people scatter roasted soybeans around the house while saying a prayer. Recently, people have also started eating ehomaki, a type of seaweed roll, in a lucky direction, without saying a word.

 The Setsubun event takes place on the day before the beginning of spring.

 The prayers that are said when scattering roasted soybeans are "Demons out, good fortune in." The meaning is to pray for good health and prosperity. People pray to the gods they believe in, to Mother Nature, and to themselves, that they will be able to stay healthy and strong until the next beginning of spring.

 Yesterday evening, I did the "bean throwing" ceremony with my parents.

 I am grateful for the beginning of spring and hope for the next one. Health is the most important thing.

 How do people overseas perceive this Japanese culture? Japan is a mysterious and interesting country. I would like to hear about Japanese traditional events if I have the opportunity.

 Out with the demons, in with the good fortune, in with the beans in your mouth. It's just a little joke.

 Thank you for reading. English translation is by Google. I rely on you, Google.


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