
【伝統芸能・能( NOH ) Beginners】“Japanese Traditional Performing Arts” Guidance For Beginners

【LINK】 Japan Arts Council (日本芸術文化振興会)
Guidance for Japanese Traditional Performing Arts
-- Innvitstion to NOHGAGU--』
URL> https://www2.ntj.jac.go.jp/unesco/noh/en/

(1) Stage and Performance
・Simple expressive elements executed in an empty space illustrate a profoundly deep world
(2) Plays and Characters
・There are over 200 plays in the modern repertory of Noh and Kyogen, respectively. The unique pieces are categorized by various aspects. The characters that appear in the plays are also classified into several types.
(3) Masks and Costumes
・Masks give a very strong impression in Nohgaku, which is performed by movements that have stripped away extraneous elements. Other items also captivate the viewers, including costumes and fans that come in refined colors and shapes as well as simple stage props.
Unlike Kabuki and contemporary theatre, there are no directors for Nohgaku performances. Within the confines of the rules, the actors themselves choose their masks and costumes according to their roles. On the stage, the imaginations of the audience are stimulated through symbolic expressions, all without the use of major stage sets such as large equipment and backdrops.
(4) Influence
・Among the various forms of theatre from which it originated, Nohgaku flourished during the Muromachi period (14th-16th centuries) and went onto influence many performing arts and cultures. It has branched out into a wide range of genres, which are connected to Nohgaku in unexpected places across space and time.
(5) History
・Nohgaku has been passed down over many years and was referred to as Sarugaku until the Edo period (17th to 19th centuries). Its beginnings trace back to a performing art that came from overseas to Japan, well over a thousand years ago. Noh and Kyogen were perfected as theatrical arts through their mutual interactions and overcoming numerous threats to their survival.

〜[Excerpted from above【LINK】]


(2) 演目と登場人物
能と狂言の現代レパートリーは、それぞれ200を超える。 個性的な作品は、様々な側面から分類される。 登場する人物もいくつかのタイプに分類される。
(3) 面と装束
能楽は、余分なものを削ぎ落とした所作で演じられるため、面が非常に強い印象を与える。 また、色や形が洗練された衣装や扇子、シンプルな舞台小道具なども見る者を魅了する。
能楽は歌舞伎や現代演劇と違って演出家がいない。 ルールの範囲内で、役者自身が役柄に合わせて仮面や衣装を選ぶ。 舞台上では、大道具や背景などの大掛かりな舞台装置を使わず、象徴的な表現によって観客の想像力を刺激する。
能楽は、さまざまな演劇の源流の中で、室町時代に隆盛を極め、多くの芸能や文化に影響を与えた。 そのため、さまざまなジャンルに枝分かれし、時空を超えて意外なところで能楽と結びついている。
能楽は古くから伝承され、江戸時代(17~19世紀)までは猿楽と呼ばれていた。 能楽の始まりは、1000年以上も前に海外から日本に伝わった芸能にさかのぼる。 能楽と狂言は、互いに影響し合い、幾多の存続の危機を乗り越えて、舞台芸術として完成された。

Wikipedia JA(日本版) URL>https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/能


 Noh is a branch of Nohgaku, a traditional Japanese performing art.It is performed using Noh masks.
Until the Edo period, it was called sarugaku, and it was not until after the Meiji Restoration that it came to be known collectively as Nohgaku, along with kyogen.
 Originally, the word "Noh" did not refer to a specific art form, but rather to any art form that was not an impersonation or comedic performance and that had a story to tell.The term Noh was used for other forms of sarugaku as well, but as sarugaku flourished, it became almost exclusively an abbreviation for Noh, and in 1881 (Meiji 14), when the Nohgaku Company was established, the name was changed from sarugaku to Nohgaku, and the term became used to refer to Noh, a type of Noh drama that is a song and dance drama based on a supernatural subject, with a comparatively high level of content.Kyogen is a secular, narrative drama based on the real world.
The term "Nohgaku" and "Noh" are often used synonymously, but this is incorrect.Noh" was registered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Japan by UNESCO in 2008.

Wikipedia JA(日本版) URL> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noh

 This article is about the classical Japanese dance theatre. For other uses, see Noh (disambiguation).
 Noh (能, Nō, derived from the Sino-Japanese word for "skill" or "talent") is a major form of classical Japanese dance-drama that has been performed since the 14th century. Developed by Kan'ami and his son Zeami, it is the oldest major theater art that is still regularly performed today. Although the terms Noh and nōgaku are sometimes used interchangeably, nōgaku encompasses both Noh and kyōgen. Traditionally, a full nōgaku program included several Noh plays with comedic kyōgen plays in between; an abbreviated program of two Noh plays with one kyōgen piece has become common today. Optionally, the ritual performance Okina may be presented in the very beginning of nōgaku presentation.
Noh is often based on tales from traditional literature with a supernatural being transformed into human form as a hero narrating a story. Noh integrates masks, costumes and various props in a dance-based performance, requiring highly trained actors and musicians. Emotions are primarily conveyed by stylized conventional gestures while the iconic masks represent the roles such as ghosts, women, deities, and demons. Written in late middle Japanese, the text "vividly describes the ordinary people of the twelfth to sixteenth centuries". Having a strong emphasis on tradition rather than innovation, Noh is extremely codified and regulated by the iemoto system.

〜[Excerpted from above Wikipedia.]

この記事は、日本の古典舞踊劇に関するものである。 他の用法については、「能 (曖昧さ回避)」を参照のこと。
能は、14世紀から上演されている日本の古典舞踊劇の主要な形式である。 観阿弥とその息子世阿弥によって創始され、現在も定期的に上演されている最古の主要な演劇芸術である。 能と能楽は同じ意味で使われることもあるが、能楽には能と狂言の両方が含まれる。 伝統的には、能楽の全プログラムにはいくつかの能と喜劇的な狂言が含まれていたが、今日では能2曲と狂言1曲という略式プログラムが一般的になっている。 能楽の冒頭で「翁(おきな)」が演じられることもある。
能は多くの場合、伝統文学の物語に基づいており、超自然的な存在が人間の姿に変身し、主人公として物語を語る。 能は、面、装束、さまざまな小道具を統合した舞踊ベースの演目で、高度に訓練された俳優や音楽家を必要とする。 幽霊、女、神、鬼などの役柄を象徴的な面で表現しながら、主に様式化された従来の身振り手振りで感情を伝える。 中世後期の日本語で書かれたテキストは、「12世紀から16世紀の庶民の様子を生き生きと描写している」。革新性よりも伝統を重視する能は、家元制度によって極めて体系化され、規制されている。 

Wikipedia JA(日本版) URL> https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/能楽


