Mechanically Melodic: The Timeless Magic of Ryuichi's 'Ballet Mécanique'
Ryuichi has graced us with numerous exceptional compositions, and among them, I personally find this one irresistibly charming. Aptly titled "Ballet Mécanique," it seemingly portrays a mesmerizing scene where a music box doll perpetually twirls and dances, driven by its spring mechanism. The lyrics, "I have a beginning and an end / Music / Music continues endlessly," evoke tears as we mourn his eternal absence.
Upon examining the accompanying sheet music, you will quickly grasp the reasons behind the enchantment of this melodic phrase.
In the first half of the melody, each transition from one beat to the next within the 4/4 time signature consistently features a bridging note of identical pitch. Conversely, in the latter half of the melody, each progression from one beat to the next introduces a different note. This technique infuses the melody with a refreshing and uncomplicated quality, further enhancing its charm.
Performed by an orchestra