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Harmony refers to the sounding of two or more different pitches in unison, but the mechanics of harmony are vast and complicated, and many theorists have spent the better part of their careers analyzing it.

The distance between two notes is referred to as an interval, and intervals are expressed numerically.
For example, the distance of five steps from A to E is called a fifth.
The earliest polyphonic music was written in the Middle age, and at the point composers favored the hollow-sounding intervals of the fourth (e.g., C to F to D to G ) and the fifth.
Therefore, melodies would be followed by a parallel harmonic line one fourth or one fifth below.

By the Renaissance, however, the triad had become the main unit of harmony, remained so far centuries, and still is in many type of music.
Triad are chords, or a combination of three or more notes heard simultaneously or in close succession, based on the interval of the third (e.g. E to G to B to D ).
The precise intervals that make up chords are what give them the quality of being major (bright, happy-sounding) or monorail (dark, sad-sounding).
The notes that make up a triad can also be rearranged to create an inversion, which is another tool that is used to vary harmony.

Harmony has many functions: to “add clothing” to a piece of music more depth, to echo or complement a melody line, or just to provide a grounded accompaniment beneath a melody.
Harmony that pleases the ear or seems stable or at rest is called consonance, while that which sounds harsh, unfamiliar, or unstable is called dissonance.
Without the instability of temporary dissonance, tonal music would be boring; without the stability of consonance, it would be unsatisfying.
The idea of what is consonant, or a acceptable to our ears, has broadened over the course of music history.
Even the question of whether consonance is essential has become debatable.

