
スモールスタートという言葉 The word of "small start".

Recently I found an interesting word. The word is "small start".
It is a simple word and I have heard. Actually, It is not I have found, but I could understand correctly.(最近、「スモールスタート」という興味深い言葉を見つけた。単純な言葉で、以前にも聞いたことがあった。見つけたというより、正しく理解したといったところであろうか。)

We have psychlogical barrier and we are conservative. We are difficult to start new things. Risk and cost are not caluculated reasonably because of them. The word of "small start" help to compromise. So we can ignore our conservativety temporary.

We put much value to past results. If we make a small result, it affects broadly. Small result is a next "small start". The rope may be snowballing.
