Great Vocabularies Building【すごい語彙! #2】
1. enmity
feelings of hate towards somebody (誰かに対する憎しみの気持ち: 敵意)
The enmity between the two men started when one of them betrayed the other.
I certainly haven't done anything to earn his enmity.
2. spurious
false, although seeming to be real or true (偽りの)
The man’s spurious smile made his cowokers curious as to why he was pretending to be happy.
He had managed to create the entirely spurious impression that the company was thriving.
3. backlog
a quantity of work that should have been done already, but has not yet been done (すでに実行されているはずの,まだ実行されていない作業: 未処理の仕事)
The employees could not get much rest because there was a huge backlog od orders to send before Christmas.
It took me two days to clear the backlog.
4. plenary
to be attended by everyone who has the right to attend (出席する権利を有するすべての人が出席する : 全員出席の)
At the recent plenary meeting of the General Assembly, all 193 members voted on the important matter.
The issue was debated at the plenary session of the assembly.
5. bawl out
to speak angrily to somebody because they have done something wrong (何か間違って誰かに怒って話すこと: ガミガミ叱る)
The man was bawled out ny his boss for being late three days in a row.
The teacher bawled me out for not doing my homework.
6. eigophile動画【オリジナル問題!PART 5】英検®1級語彙問題の演習と解説!
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