
英語 長文読解 英検2級レベル


Emily had always been fascinated by space. She would often gaze at the stars on clear nights and dream of becoming an astronaut. One day, while watching a documentary about the International Space Station (ISS), Emily decided that she wanted to learn more about the research conducted in space.

To pursue her interest, Emily applied for a summer internship at a space research center. Much to her delight, she was accepted into the program. Her first day at the center was filled with excitement and anticipation.

During the internship, Emily had the opportunity to work alongside experienced scientists. She learned about the experiments conducted on the ISS and how microgravity affected various processes. She even got to communicate with astronauts aboard the station via video conferences.

One of the most memorable experiences for Emily was witnessing a rocket launch. The ground trembled as the rocket soared into the sky, carrying supplies and equipment to the ISS. Emily felt a rush of awe and inspiration as she watched.

As the summer went by, Emily became deeply engrossed in her research. She conducted experiments of her own, exploring how plants grew in space conditions. She was amazed by the results, which showed that plants could adapt to the challenges of microgravity.

At the end of her internship, Emily had a newfound appreciation for space research. She knew that her dream of becoming an astronaut was within reach, and she was determined to continue her studies in the field of space science.


  1. What has always fascinated Emily?

  2. What inspired Emily to learn more about space research?

  3. How did Emily feel when she was accepted into the summer internship program?

  4. What did Emily learn during her internship at the space research center?

  5. What was one of the most memorable experiences for Emily during her internship?

  6. What did Emily discover from her experiments about plant growth in space conditions?

  7. How did Emily feel at the end of her internship?


  1. Emily has always been fascinated by space.

  2. Emily was inspired to learn more about space research after watching a documentary about the International Space Station (ISS).

  3. Emily felt excited and anticipatory on her first day at the space research center when she was accepted into the summer internship program.

  4. During her internship at the space research center, Emily learned about the experiments conducted on the ISS, how microgravity affected various processes, and even got to communicate with astronauts aboard the station.

  5. One of the most memorable experiences for Emily during her internship was witnessing a rocket launch.

  6. From her experiments about plant growth in space conditions, Emily discovered that plants could adapt to the challenges of microgravity.

  7. At the end of her internship, Emily felt a newfound appreciation for space research and was determined to continue her studies in the field of space science.

