
石川、富山、新潟のワイナリー Wineries in Ishikawa, Toyama, Niigata

The best and reliable way to support the disaster areas is money donation to local governments and Red Cross. Besides, some of you might want to drink their wines and support them. Here's your list of wineries in those areas. For now, nothing takes priority in transportation over disaster-relief operations. Wait for your wines to be delivered later, or look in your local wine shops and restaurants. It would be fun to visit those wineries after the situation is cleared up!

石川、富山、新潟各県のワイナリー数 Number of Wineries in Ishikawa, Toyama, Niigata Pref
石川、富山、新潟各県のワイナリー数 Number of Wineries in Ishikawa, Toyama, Niigata Pref

石川県 Ishikawa Pref

富山県 Toyama Pref

新潟県(上中越、新潟市) Niigata Pref (South & Mid Niigata, Niigata City)
