




歯ブラシは ”食べる” で始まってるので歯磨粉つけて磨いた時でも飲み込む笑。飲み込んだらいかんよ、って言われても脳がその言葉を理解して行動にするよりも先に体が反応して飲み込む笑。

歯ブラシは“食べる” ものなので、自分でする時も初めは当たり前のように噛みまくってました。


Brushing teeth
Around the period when my teeth started growing, my mom talked to me watching my lower-front teeth,
“Yeah it’s coming!”
It sounds happy and she told dad about it later.
I remember that my mom and someone was talking about starting to brush my teeth, when It should be.
I couldn’t see my teeth growing, so after I had known it, I often tried to touch my teeth with my toungue.

Afterall, I don’t remember when they started to brush my teeth but I remember that everything my mom put in my mouth was food for me. My body automatically had reacted to eat the brush.

It fun to remember about this. It’s poring up next to next.

I was eating it and my mom said
“Yesyes,chew it!”
Because I was eating it, my saliva came a lot and I was trying to swallow it. But it was hard because I lay on my mom’s lap, so it came over my mouth often. Lying on was very comfortable though. And it reminded me the time I just lay on the floor.
I’m sorry mom if I’m wrong, I think it was not everyday lol.

Maybe it was earlier to started brushing my teeth by myself because my older brother could help me, when my family went to my grandma(papa’s mom)’s house, someone else brushed my teeth after a while since the last time.
I was eating it, so even with toothpaste I swallow it. Lol. My aunt said “don’t swallow”, before the wards reached my brain my body did.

Because it’s something like food, my mouth automatically chewed it at that time.
When my brush got flat and the plastic part got rough, my mom took it and pass a new one to me, but I didn’t like it since it was too hard.
I asked my mom the old one, but she said
“I already threw it”
I asked why, and she said coz it’s too flat. I asked why isn’t it good to be flat, and she answer something unclear for me, but I could feel that there were 0 tolarence for using the old one, so for the new one I chewed more and tried to make it flat lol.

My aunt explained me why we need to brush our teeth using some characters from a cartoon when I asked why. But it made me feel it’s safe not to brush teeth coz the characters are kinda cute lol.
If you want to explain how it important to do it, I recommend you using real pictures of teeth(it might be gross tho)
