多分ママ友で集まってた時、初めましての男の子がいて(親同士の話によるとうちの方がちょっとお姉ちゃん。ほぼ一緒ぐらいやったから数ヶ月ぐらいやと思うけど。←こんな会話も意外と分かる)車のおもちゃを何個か広げて遊んでました(”遊ぶ” っていうより自分の感覚では “研究する” の方が近いんですけど)。
そしたら!ママたちはその止まった男の子を “わーえらいえらい!ちゃんと止まってえらいねー!” みたいに褒め称えやがる!うちは譲ってあげた上に殴られかけたのに!!
Mom and her friends gathered and a boy was with one of them. (According to their conversation, I’m bit older. I guess it’s just few months difference.←baby Yuri understood.) me and the boy was playing with some car toys (for me, it was not like “play”, it was more like, “study”.) Mamas were chatting.
When I grab an ambulance to study it, the boy also grabbed it at same time. For few secconds we fought over it but I let go like, “ok then I’ll go for something else”. Just after I let go, he held it up over his head, and I felt “he is hitting me!!” !
At the time Mamas also noticed and said “ don’t do that !!”, and he stopped with the ambulance over his head.
Then!! Mamas praised him like, “ohhhh good boy! You listened !! Good boooyyy!!!!”
What the f●●● is this hell!! It’s me who let it go and It’s me who was gonna be hit!!!
But my feeling was scrambled with picking me up and mamas came between us and somethingsomethinsomething…lol.