




Sizes of things
When I realized that not many people remember their babyhood, I checked what I have remembered with my mom. I told her that...

I had not tried normal food yet at the period.
 I saw my mom eating BROAD BEANS and I wanted to try them. I climbed a chair, crawled to the bowl, grabbed the beans checking mom if she says  “no!” (She allowed me with her naughty smile←idk why though) and I put it I’m my mouth.
It was very hard!! I looked at her. 
She was still eating them with same smile on her face. I could taste it only after I could grind it in my mouth, it’s too big and hard, so I thought “I’m growing up. maybe later. Not for now.”

this is the story, and I asked her
“you were eating broad beans, right?”
she said
“I guess that it was EDAMAME(green soybeans. It’s popular in Japan)”

Yeah. I know she likes them. 
As I remember, it was big as broad beans...
Have you seen a chair which you were using when you are little? It’s little but we never thought so. So the bean is.
