Golden Week 2023
The world is in a sleep mode, but how are you all doing? I am still in reclusive mode despite the clear weather.
The update was delayed for a while, but there was no particular story to write about and it was left unattended. By the way, it's Golden Week and some people have 9 consecutive holidays for the longest time, but I have a lot of classes in between, so it's a stepping-stone holiday. I could have had a nine-day weekend if I took a break from classes, but I decided to drive normally this year because I could have a long summer vacation without having to take a break here.
Well, recently I've been seeing a lot of articles about the suspension of university student applications. Perhaps influenced by that, our university has been talking about the need for reform. The other day, a meeting was set up in which all the faculty members attended, but I joined in the middle because I had other plans. So by the time I got the flow of the discussion, the meeting was over and I couldn't say anything.
This kind of discussion goes back and forth between ideal and reality, and it's hard to come to a conclusion. I mean, it was conclusive, but it just seemed to me that I was taking a detour before I dared to get there. Specifically, it's just a discussion of how to balance the budget while upholding the university's ideals. I think the reason why people point out that Japanese meetings are inefficient is that we always discuss these two perspectives at the same time. It's especially bad for those who try to take the lead in discussions, who always try to convince you of a balance that works for them with a flicker of justification. There are people who do this consciously and people who do it unconsciously, but especially people who do it unconsciously don't listen, so I think it's a Herculean task to make corrections.
After the meeting, I asked some teachers what they thought of the meeting. Then there were many unexpected answers, so I thought this was my real intention and a hint for improvement, but since I don't have the power to embody that opinion, I stuck to just chiming in, "That's for sure." In the end, it was a ritual-like meeting for the Elaians to talk behind closed doors and make them follow what was decided, so I feel that my work ethic was diminished again.
On the other hand, there is a lot of budget for universities from national and local governments. This is the recruitment period, so I think it would be good to apply at our university, but the administration is very slow. I suggested a project to the office that our university could do, but the excuse kept coming up: "I can't write papers ...." I feel like I can often instruct students at the counter to "Submit it on paper." I worked with the administration in my previous job, so this kind of document is relatively easy to make. So, I can make it in my own way, but once I do that, I have more work to do, so I try to let people know that "If you can pay extra, I'll write it down." In the end, if faculty and staff are willing to deal with students sincerely at all times, and each and every one of them continues to take on challenges, and if they are willing to let students see what they are doing, then university management will naturally improve, but it is really tiresome that there are many adults who are unable to do this.
A student who said he was depressed and left the university the other day came to greet me. I was only involved with him for a short period of time, but for some reason he resonated with my way of life and often consulted me. He came all the way to report that "I'm going to study abroad from tomorrow." When I asked him what happened to his money, he said he worked frantically for the past year and saved money. His eyes were so bright as he took a step forward into the future, and I was glad to see if my way of life helped even a little.
I want future university teachers to be people who constantly challenge themselves. And I hope that whatever it turns out to be, you will stand up and walk forward again.
(I was an associate professor who was all about Resident Evil RE4. Zelda and Final Fantasy are coming soon. Leon, run!)