




 一方、私の方は色んな締切が迫って違う涙を流していました。というのも科学研究費助成事業(科研費 https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-grantsinaid/)の学内締切が今週末だったのでギリギリまで申請書を作成していたのです。ちなみに科研費が採用されると大学にも事務局経費が別途支払われるので、こちらの書類に関しては事務局が丁寧チェックしてくれるのです。お金がもらえると事務局の態度が豹変するので、嫌悪感が払しょくできない要因になってしまうのです。(ちゃんと感謝しないといけないとわかっているのですが…。)






Education, research and office work.

The heat is easing a little, how are you all doing? Every day I try and fail to sleep with the air conditioner off somehow.

It's still summer vacation in college, but my seminar is already running in full swing mode. Yesterday, the third graders had their own summer camp. I didn't participate in the training camp, just picked up and dropped off at the camp, but on the way back I could hear what kind of training camp it was. By the way, my seminar has too many training camps. And most of them are carried out by students who have voluntarily secured dates, places and funds. Some people may think, "What a training camp these days." but in this age of sparse human relationships, I think we need training camps where we can build close relationships. But you never force it from me. My role is strictly to support the students, so all I have to do is support them so that the training camp they decide on can go smoothly.

The overview was a little longer, but when I heard from the students about what kind of training camp they were in, they talked about what kind of seminar they were going to have in the second semester for four hours straight at the beginning. After that, they did free talks, went for walks and took takyaki, and after all, they hardly slept. My seminar students get along pretty well because they do this so often. Especially now, the fourth and third graders are really close, so every time I see that scene, it heals my heart. Recently, my heart has been broken because of the confrontation with the secretariat, so when I left today, I couldn't help but cry when I saw everyone's sleeping faces in the car. (I still have scattered memories.)

On the other hand, I was shedding different tears as various deadlines approached. That's because the deadline for the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Science Research Grants https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-grantsinaid/) on campus was this weekend, so I was preparing my application until the last minute. Incidentally, when the scientific research fund is adopted, the university is also paid the administrative expenses separately, so the administrative office carefully checks these documents. When you get paid, the office flip-flops, so your disgust becomes a factor you can't get rid of. (I know I have to thank you properly ....)

However, I am ashamed to say that I have never been accepted by the Science and Technology Research Fund. This is my fifth application after trying every year, but I'm afraid I won't be accepted again. There used to be a time when I read know-how books and copied them, but why do I have to distort my research to get funding? I have reflected on the fact that this is the same thing as what I do with the secretariat, and I continue to submit my research topics honestly. Other teachers advised me to "It would be better to have a more trendy word theme." but in the end, I decided to focus on writing my feelings honestly and without worrying about others.

I came to the idea that it is the duty of researchers to uncover truths that no one knows yet, and that if I am the one leading the charge, of course I am alone because I am walking in an unknown world that no one else knows. Probably my research topic is quite niche, so I think there's a good chance that it won't be adopted again, but on the other hand, if it won't be adopted, I'm trying to make sure that no one is aware that there's still a rock lying there to study.

At first glance, everything seems to be independent, such as student camps, conflicts with the office, and my own research topics, but I realized that some kind of ecosystem had formed within me. In other words, when something is out of balance, the self-healing function is activated to heal the wound. This seems to be working beyond my abilities, so I feel that the researchers were motivated to find this out, even though I thought it was strange.

I hope that those who will become university teachers will be able to see education, research and office work as one. And I want them to grow into better university teachers by analyzing that ecosystem.

(I was an associate professor who did odd jobs at Zelda. I wonder if it's almost over)
