













 I'm glad I became a college teacher.

 It's snowing now, how is everyone? I am running around like a dog when I see snow.

 Well, thank you for following my poor writing this year. At first, I started writing note for people who want to become university teachers, but I ended up writing articles about the daily life of teachers. However, for people who have lived without any personal information, it takes a lot of courage to expose their daily lives. Moreover, for me, who does not continue anything, it has not been so long. I don't know how much this information about me helps you, but I'll write it down next year and beyond to prove that I lived here.

 In order to look back on this year, I would like to think again about what it is good to be a college teacher. These are the five good things I feel.
1. I got freedom
2. My income increased
3. I got social confidence
4. I became able to boast about my occupation
5. I was promised a future

1. I got freedom
 A university teacher is free in many ways. For example, you can decide the time to work freely. I think I have more free time now that I can take classes remotely from home. You can also set the contents of the task freely. Both research and education are decided at the discretion of teachers. In other words, it is a very ideal environment for me to work in a job that is not restricted in terms of time or work content.

2. My income increased
 My salary from the university where my income has increased is lower than average, but I still get a decent salary. In addition to your salary, there is also a research expense, and you can purchase equipment such as a computer using that expense. Furthermore, if you order books from the library, you can get them, and if you are a teacher, you can borrow books almost indefinitely, so you can read books freely. (This is very big for me.) In addition, when I give a lecture or write a book, I get paid for it, so I also earn coins

3. I got social confidence
 The job title of "university teacher" is common throughout the world. Even if it is an F run university, I think teachers are different. Only doctors or lawyers are respected by many people except university teachers. Anyway, it's fun that people's reactions change just by calling themselves university teachers. I also got through the loan application on my first try.

4. I became able to boast about my occupation
 Being able to brag about my occupation This is not so much because I am able to brag, but because I have seen and felt that my family and acquaintances have become proud. In particular, I saw many times a relative bragging, "I'm a college teacher.". Also, the number of friend applications from SNS suddenly increased because I became a university teacher. In any case, a person I know smiled while talking about me, so I was glad that I became a university teacher.

5. I was promised a future
 The retirement age of the college I work at that promised future is 70 years old. I don't want to work until that age, but the guarantee of employment until the age of 70 is very stable mentally. Of course, there are factors that cause anxiety such as the collapse of universities and health problems, but the anxiety of whether you will be able to earn money tomorrow has been dispelled, so it is a very big stabilizer in these times.

 I have listed the good things that made me a university teacher at this point. Also, as a supplement, I think I have become popular a little. I am by no means a good-looking person. So, until now, people of the opposite sex have rarely been interested in me, but I think my interest level has increased since I became a university teacher. (However, this is not a fact check, so please understand that this is just a story of my delusional world.)

 I hope that those who are going to become university teachers will always be able to feel gratitude for being able to work in a privileged environment. I am sure that the moment you forget this gratitude, you will turn into an arrogant university teacher. I hope you have a wonderful year-end that will make you decide to become a university teacher next year.

(I was an associate professor who was excited because I bought a year-end jumbo lottery ticket. There is no end to the list of things I want to do. What if I win?)


