

This is second lessonconsists partly of geometrical figures, some of them with plain lines,others with their surfaces formed by light and shade.

Number1 .is a circle.

2. The circle appearing with a flat side, being filled with an equal shade,

3. A convex appearance given to the circle by light and shade.

4.A convex appearance given to it.

5. Other convex and concave surfaces,

6. A square of four equal sides. 

7. An equilateral triangle

8. A spiral.or curve line inssuing from a center, and continually going off from it at every turn.

9. A cone. These, with other figures shewn in this lesson, are useful in different parts of practice.

Bu consultimg a small treatise of Practical Geometry, by Le Clerk, the student, in a short time, will gain a knowledge of drawing multitudes of objects.


1 円
2 円が平らな状態になると、均等に影で満たされます。
3 円は、光と影によって、凸面の外観を顕わしています。
4 凸面の外観を顕わしています。
5 そのほかの凸面と凹面の表面
6 正方形
7 正三角形
8 継続的に中心から遠ざかっていく螺旋または曲線、そして、回るたびに継続的に遠ざかっていく。
9 円錐 

