
I'm thinking about taking the TOEIC test.

I don't know what to write about.
I haven't written a blog before.
Then why did I start note?🤣

In the previous post, I wrote "I wanna go abroad and talk with foreign people in English someday."
I have never been abroad before. I have talked with foreign people who can speak Japanese.
So, I didn't have to speak English. I'm Japanese and don't have to use English in Japan.
Everyone speaks Japanese.
This environment is wrong.
In other countries, everyone has to use the language that is not their native language.

That is why Japanese people can't speak English and they don't study English hard.

I have been teaching English to my students.
I'm an English teacher who don't use English so well.
They don't study English hard. Because they think that they don't have to use  English in their lives.

Studying English is so exciting!
I want them to understand that.
To know languages is to know cultures.
So, they should study another language.

I want to tell them how fan it is to learn English.

I love to study English.
So, I'm thinking about doing now things.
I will try the TOEIC test someday.
I'm not sure what score I will be able to get.
I want to tell my students how important doing their best is.
I will study for the TOEIC test.

