

言葉の在り方  ヴェーダの諺と他国の諺比較

言葉の在り方. How should the language be?

古代インド Ancient India

Our words exhibit our nature, the type of person we are and the way we think. – Sam Veda

試訳:私たちの話す言葉には、私たちの自然なあり方、私たちの類型(タイプ)、私たちの考え方が表れている。- サム・ヴェーダ

日本 Japan

老いたる馬は道を忘れず Oitaru uma wa michi wo wasurezu.
Trial translation into English: Old horses do not forget the way they should go.

Personal interpretation of connotation: the knowledge and wisdom that is instinctively acquired by us does not wither away even when we will become old.

If human act of speech is an expression of natural human activities, then this Japanese proverb has something in common with what the Veda phrase means.

アメリカの格言、An American aphorism

Our language is the reflection of ourselves. A language is an exact reflection of the character and growth of its speakers.    Cesar Chavez 1927 - 1993, American labour activist leader

シーザー・チャベス、1927 - 1993 アメリカの労働運動指導者
Private interpretation of implied meaning: There is no pretentious words of those who have tried to live through the harsh environment.

English aphorism above would seem to be consistent with the Veda phrase, in the sense that a person who is serious about the way of living has no duplicity in the words which he or she utters.

ドイツ語圏の諺  Proverb of German-speaking areas.

In der Sprache spiegelt sich die Seele eines Volkes.  Paul Schibler, nicht bekannt wer er ist.
試訳:民族の魂は、その言語に反映される。 パウル・シブラー、不明の人
Trial translation into English:The soul of ethnicity is reflected in its language.  Paul Schibler, Unknown man

One interpretative meaning: there is a similarity with the Vedic words above in the sense that people who are trying to preserve their ethnicity may seek words of homogeneity in their minds.

フランス語に訳されたギリシャ哲学者の言葉 Greek philosopher's words translated into French.

La langue a juré, mais non l'esprit. Citation de Euripide, c. 480 av. J.-C. – c. 406 av. J.-C.
試訳:舌は誓っているが、心は誓っていない。 エウリピデスの言葉、紀元前約480 - 約406頃
Trial translation into English: The tongue has sworn, but not the mind. Quote from Euripides

One of the connotations: It is a humorous expression, but I think it has something in common with the Veda in that there is a difference between insincere verbalisation and honest speaking attitude from the heart.
