
インド歴史文化 ヴェーダの諺と世界の諺比較



古代インド  Ancient India

When fire burns the enthusiasm is worth seeing. People, who are enthusiastic and happy, lethargy and boredom never plague them.
Rig Veda

試訳:火が燃えるとき、その熱気は一見の価値があります。熱狂的で幸せな人は、無気力や退屈に悩まされることはありません。 リグ・ヴェーダ

Hi ga moeru toki, sono nekki wa, ikken no kachi ga ari masu. Nekkyou-teki de siawase na hito wa, mukiryoku ya taikutsu ni nayamasareru koto wa arimasen.

日本に伝わる中国禅僧の言葉   Words of a Chinese Zen monk brought into Japan.

他は是れ吾にあらず(たはこれわれにあらず)Ta wa kore ware ni arazu.
日本の禅僧「道元(Dōgen , 1200-1253」が中国の僧から聞いた言葉。


(Trial translation) If I ask somebody to do something for me, it is, anyhow, not done by me.
Japanese Zen monk Dōgen (1200-1253) heard this saying from a Chinese monk.
I think the direct meaning of these words is that "if I ask someone else to do something for me, anyhow, i.e., I have not done anything by myself". I think that "thinking" in the sense of doing everything  by oneself, is a passionate way of life that does not burn out, and is consistent with the words of the Rig Veda.

米政治家ドナルド・トランプの言葉 US politician Donald Trump's words.

Passion is absolutely necessary to achieve any kind of long-lasting success. I know this from experience. If you don’t have passion, everything you do will ultimately fizzle out or, at best, be mediocre. Is that how you want to live your life? by Donald Trump

試訳:長続きする成功を実現するためには、情熱が絶対に必要だ。情熱がなければ、何をやっても結局は失敗に終わるか、そうでなければ、せいぜい並みのものでしかならない。そんような生き方でいいのか。 ドナルド・トランプ   出典: https://proverbicals.com/passion-proverbs


Personal interpretation: the attitude of being passionate, even until the point of death, can be, I think, shared in the context of the Vedas.


Jeder ist seines Glückes Schmied.
Trial translation into English: Everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness.

Private interpretation: Happiness can only be created by passion.


Les vrais passions donnent des forces, en donnant du courage.


Personal interpretation: Courage may give passion meaningfulness. "Burning fire" in Veda phrase may be the consummatory form of passion.
