

Let me be clear, my love is unconditional, but your presence in my life is not. The moment that you prove that your value of me does not measure up to my sense of self-worth, I’ll have no problem unconditionally loving the memory of you and moving on….


What do you say to the woman you’ve broken down emotionally, destroyed her ability to trust, force fed her lies and neglected the heart in which she gave unto you? Nothing. You say nothing. An apology won’t put out the fire you set. You simply move out of the way to stop blocking the view of someone better. You stop distracting her from her soulmate. That’s what you do….


Women, you are not rehabilitation centres for badly raised men. It’s not your job to fix him, change him, parent or raise him. You want a partner not a project.  Julia Roberts


He is going to come. The one who is going to make you feel like everyone else was just practice. The one safe enough to show your girlfriends. Smart enough to show your mother. Strong enough to show your flaws. He will love your mind first. Heart second. Body always. He will prove to you that trust isn’t just a word. That love isn’t just a feeling. That boyfriend isn’t just a title. The only question is “Will you be ready?” There is nothing worse than having a king on your doorstep while you’re in bed with a joker….

奴は来る。 他の男は、ただの練習だけだったと思わせる様な男が。 女の友達に紹介するには、十分安全。 母親に紹介するには、十分利口。 自分の欠点を見せても、十分育んでくれる奴。 先ず、君の知能を愛し、次に君の心を愛する奴。そして絶えず君の身体。 信頼とは、単なる言葉ではないことを、奴が証明してくれるはず。愛は単なる感情ではなく、彼氏とは単なる肩書きではないと言う事を。 ただここで知りたい事は、君の『準備』が出来ているのかと言う事。 玄関先に、君の王様が立っていると言うのに、家でピエロと寝ているなんて、こんな惨めな事は無いからな。


“You love him a lot,” said the rolling tear. “Give him another chance,” said the heart. “Forget him and enjoy life,” said the brain. “You don’t have much time,” said life….

「あの人を愛している」そう、流れる涙は言った。 「あの人にもう一度チャンスを」そう、心は言った。 「あの人を忘れて人生を楽もう」そう、頭は言った。 「もう時間が無い」そう、人生は言った…
