
How to Cure Your Hunchback Posture with this Psychological Way 【Cure your slouchy】

Do you have a hunchback posture? 

A hunchback posture is not a good look, and it gives off negative energy. If you have it, you don't look having energy, confidence or fun at all. It looks like you do not do well everything you do.

In this topic, I would like to introduce you "How to cure Your Hunchback Posture with this Psychological Way".

Why do people have a slouchy posture?

Carrying a baby on your back causes a slouchy posture.

When people carry heavy objects, they go into a slouchy posture. In other words, a person with a hunchback is carrying "something heavy".

What's heavy? It is a feeling. The feeling is heavy.

Feelings and attitudes are in direct proportion to each other.

If you are feeling heavy, you tend to have the hunchback, even if you don't want to.

On the other hand, a positive person has a straight spine.

The first thing people who get a hunchback are someone with heavy mindset. 

"I have a tummy ache. Hopefully, it's not cancer.."
"This pandemic is too scary, what if the human race is going to end?"

It's easy to turn anything into "depressing material".

If you're not worried, you can make yourself be worried.
That is the characteristic of a person who has a hunchback.

I used to be like that, too.
I used to be very nervous because I cared about my outside look too much.

"Oh no... My height is so shorter than average, girls like taller and good looking boys. No girls are coming to me..."

The weight of the negative mind gradually bent my back and I was looked even shorter.

Now I don't care out my outside look any more and I do not have a hunchback posture issue too much.  I think It is because I become more positive thinker than before.


How to cure Your Hunchback Posture

"Positive Spoken Words" is the solution.

If you're worried...
You say, "I'm fine, I will be alright",

If something bad happens...
You say "It was a good learning experience".

Use bright words and try to think about each event in a "casual" way.

If you could just relax... Your mind and heart are clear.

Your hunchback posture will be cured.

The best way to improve your slouchy is to have a "Positive Spoken Words".

Summing up

No matter how good the world becomes, there is someone that can live with negative thinking.

But if you do that, your spine will be arched by the "Weight of your mind and heart".

On the other hand... If you keep your mind light, your spine will be straightened.

When you straighten your back, your neurotransmission is improved, and your mind and body are energized.

It makes you less depressed and more energetic.

The "optimistic way of saying things" to beat down anxiety and dissatisfaction is good medicine for the spine.

"The Power of Spoken Words" is not only for your hunchback posture but also for your mental and physical health.

It is a simple habit that will help you improve your posture.

Why do not we stop saying negative things anymore? Saying something negative things doesn't produce anything good, it doesn't make you happy, it keeps people away from you, and it makes you hunchback. There's nothing good about saying something negative at all.

But why do people say negative things?
I think they are just too weak and like to lick each other's wounds. It's really a waste of time. 
I think it's because everyone is so stressed out and there is no space to think about positive things.

You only live once. Before you die, you want to look back on your life and think that you had good friends and family with your love. I don't think you would have been blessed with family or friends in your life if you said a lot of negative things. We're human, It is OK to say a few negative things but do not do that too much. Let's just be a patient bit more and say something positive instead. I'm sure it will make your life more enjoyable.

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Who is Uzi? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I am a Japanese software developer who works for the government sector. I study every day while receiving advice from my seniors in the business. I am interested in Artificial Intelligence, IT, Business, Marketing, Trade, Money, Brain science and English.

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yahmane
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEc3ARJ7-viDMmD175Dhs5Q
My Motto: “Be down to be up! Being down is an opportunity for you to improve!!”

I love to take any challenges that excite me, even if I am not good at them.
As you can see from my YouTube channel, I am not very really good at speaking English for YouTube. But I am OK to show my damn as I can only improve from there.

I'll be sharing ideas and life hacks on a regular basis that I wish I'd known earlier. Hopefully, you like them.


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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEc3ARJ7-viDMmD175Dhs5Q
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座右の銘は「凹んで大きくなれ 凹むのはあなたが大きくなるチャンス」です。

#Hunchback , #slouchy , #PositiveSpokenWords , #StopNegativeThinking , #猫背 , #言霊 , #ネガティブ思考 , #ポジティブ思考  

