toeic listening

good thinking名案だね

It looks like we'll be driving into the city at the busiest time of day. I guess that can't be helped.


come up with a design考案する

Thanks for trusting us with the sale of your house.ご自宅売却でご用命頂きありがとうございます。

My computer just crashed all of a sudden.突然故障してしまった。I've been thereそれを経験した。

Would you like to order anything else? We're ok, thanks. The meal was excellent. Can we have the bill?会計お願いします

Do you take credit cardsカード使えますか?

That sounds fair.それでいいと思う

The congestion on the roads during the morning commute has become a serious issue recently.
Time will tell.
The will be ten dollars in the first year, but that may increase in future years.
He turned down the offer 申し出を断った
These discounts are only available to people who are in our membership program.

carry out the plan.計画を実行する

As you know, it won't be an easy decisionご存じの通り、決して容易な決断ではありません

Due to the important nature of the issue, the council would like to get feedback from as many people as possibleとても重要な課題であるため、市議会は決定が2週間後に発表される前に1人でも多くの方からの意見をもらいたいとしています。

traffic update交通情報
That's to be expected.それは想定内のことです。
take a detour迂回する
store documents electronically.文書を電子化
I'm very impressedとても感銘を受けております。

head down to swある場所からある場所へ向かう

There must have been a mix-up with the address or something.


Please let us know if that is agreeable to you.

terminate the contract契約を打ち切る、gardener 庭師、overdue支払期限が過ぎている

take a look and see if there's anything that needs changing.

rehearse for sthリハーサル
I commissioned a focus group to help find out why sales are so slow.委託
upper management経営幹部、sign-up sheet登録用紙
restrcture the company会社を再編する、attend an information session説明会を参加する

I wonder if we could move to one of the tables by the balcony.We'd really like to enjoy the view.
The table on the left has been reserved by another group, but you're welcome to sit at the one on the right.
I'll definitely be writing a positive review.
We've already received a lot of compliments.

organizing a function/event 催しを企画すること


the list of requirements要望リスト

She called in sick today.本日病欠との電話が入っておりました。

Thanks for coming on such short notice.こんなに急な依頼なのに来ていただきありがとうございます。
It's causing a traffic jam,so I want to get this situation fixed as soon as possible.この状況をすぐにでも解決して頂きたい

trip over things on your wayつまずき転ぶ

com with a 5-year warranty5年保証付き

please come on downどうぞ、お越しくださいませ

be looking for a career out of the ordinary

carry out the the maintenance実行する

American outback奥地、cattle herding,牛の牧畜、cattle farm畜牛農場 

golf apparelゴルフウェア
The shop is having its yearly summer sale.
People who buy products will automatically be entered into a draw for a trip to Francecourtesy.of the shop

It's a real honor to have so many people here to wish me well at my retirement party.


I have so many people to thank for their support over the years.


I don't know where to start.It's a good thing I made a list.I suppose I should begin by mentioning sb.


back then当時

They're the industry leader with a reputation for excellent quality and reliability.


You may wonder how this was possible.


stop by the front desk受付に立ち寄る、refurbish改装する、tournamentsトーナメント

Thank you for your continued use of our gym.平素よりご利用頂きありがとうございます。

We posted a list of award winners who have attended the gym most often over the year.


gym gearジム用品

with the construction deadline so close at hand, we've been letting the work site get a little untidy.


building inpection物件検査、crane trucksクレーン車、the vacant lot空いている場所

an athletic meet運動会

This really will be your last opportunity to experience the event.

I suggest you make your way to the front desk by 4pm.受付カウンターにお越しになるようお願い思案す。
Be reminded that承知する、take a day off1日休暇を取る

Some inclement weather will occur.悪天候
New tolls will be charged新しい通行料が徴収される。

My boss told me about a web site that contains information helpful to our project.Please take a look on it.
All of the major highways are running smoothly.Thinking ahead to tonight,(今夜を見据えた場合)you should keep in mind that the football final is being held.Regardless of where you're headed,please take care on the roads.I'm afraid some heavy rain is forecast.If you live nearby, you might be better off taking the train today~電車を使用した方がよい

I'm headed there now.今向かっている

He's been a great asset to the company.
an employee retreat社員旅行
hold a functionイベントを開催する
He is stuck in traffic.渋滞で身動きが取れなくなっている
He'll be late getting there.着くのが遅れそう
He switched phones.電話を変えた
What's on your mind何か心配がありますか

physical exam健康診断

my employer requires that I get a health certification from a doctor.
the nurse will be able to perform the tests.
We're generally less crowded in the mornings, so you might get finished sooner.
We also have our own form,though.

mail some invitations招待状を郵送する

hold a gathering集会を開く

I'm worried that we might have to charge more to compensate.
We have a lot of competition from other bakers in the area.
Another option would be to come up woth some new products.

I'm worried that it might affect your schedule.
I'll let you know when I get an update.
She was planning on taking you out to lunch.
hotel room availability.ホテルの空室状況

employee evaluations従業員の評価
I'd like to provide seating near the entrance.
I'd like to have some landsacaping done at the front of our building.

You should call the supplier right awayすぐ電話すべきだよ。
first,I'll call our driver and let him know not to come,though
He's scheduled to be here in a few minutes.
Let me know if you need and help sorting this out.
A staff member has called in sick電話で病欠を伝えてきた
Some equipment has worn out.装置が摩耗している
Notifying sb~に知らせる
delivery person配達担当者

You have more experience with that than I do.
You are the person in charge this time.
I gave a presentation on workplace health and safety.
take on a coworker's task同僚の業務を引き受ける

Some have gone better than others.他のものと比較してうまくいったものもいくつかある。

Offer some advice.

The first item on the agenda 最初の議題

Camping gearキャンプ用品

It’s not really my thing.自分の得意なこと

From time to time時折

Tell me about yourself=give a self-introduction

The park has a lot of other things to offer他にもたくさん提供するものがある

Natural attractions自然名所、trail小道(踏みならされてできて、あまり舗装されていない)

the best of the best最高水準の、what it takes ある目的に必要なもの、financial institution金融機関

Carry out the plan.計画を実行する、

Our earlier discussion about stocking up on supplies.大量に買い込む

Would you mind calling them up and placing an order?電話して発注して頂けない?

Let’s go with them.一緒に発注しましょう

We’ll be better off(よりよい) in the long run.長い目でみればそうする方がいいでしょうか

decide on some items品物を決める

The monthly department heads meeting月次部門長会議

Electricity bills電気代、rent on the parking spaces駐車場賃料

Save on/reduce maintenance expenses/running costs維持費を節約する


If you think you have what it takes, fill out an application form on our HP.


Try a four-day workweek.

We’d have to stay at work until 7pm in the evening on the days that we do work.

Would you like me to conduct a survey of the employees to find out?

The regional office 地域事務所、branch office 支店

Seaweed海藻、Sure thing.もちろん

I’ll work out the price and send you an updated invoice right away.計算

I wanted to get your approval.

 offer a discount for bulk/mass orders. 

I've never done that before.

I'll go talk to him.

He knows what he's doing.=he is dependable.

everyone speaks highly of sth=It has a good reputation.

hire a professional cleaner to come a couple of times a week.1週間に何回か来てもらう。
Will you look after it, or would you like me to?任せてもいいかしら、私がやりましょうか。
It sounds like you are on top of it.どうやら事情について良く知っているようね。

Who's involved in organizing the charity concert this year?

traning session講習会、bulletin board 掲示板

When are we going to have the company picnic?

awning日よけ、doorway戸口、出入口、light fixture 照明器具
stoolスツール(丸椅子)、stack up 積み重ねる、clear off 片付ける

Some mirriors are propped up against a wall.

cupboard食器棚、vacuum cleaner掃除機

Is the new time tracking software ready to be installed, or are you still working on it?

reserve the restaurant over the phone電話で予約する

community room集会室、staffing職員の配置、at the meeting会議で

Will the flight from Hawaii arrive on time or a bit late?

convention senter会議場、keynote speaker基調演説者

You have experience working as a computer engineer, don't you

Can't you reschedule the manager training workshop?

transfer to転勤する、boarding pass搭乗券

I'm afraid I won't make it in time.

the soup come with breadスープはパンがついている

the labeling machineラベル貼り機、double-sided copy両面コピー

spokeperson広報担当者、experienced programmer 経験豊富のプログラマー

She won't be attending the interview this afternoon, will she?


She said she might come.来るかもしれないと言った

Who's in charge?


Please present your proposal.


print the handouts配布資料

Would you mind doing...?

delighted=be happy to=It would be a pleasure=I'd love to=Love to= Wish pleasure

pay a commission手数料を支払う

Is it going to take a long time to get my prescription?


I'm taking the day off tomorrow.


Is this store going to close down?


I still need to practice a bit more.


They were surprising. それは驚きでしたね。

handkerchiefハンカチ、stall屋台、portable battery chargerモバイルバッテリー

trash can美、rubbish bin英

I've been working on it all week.


I'm supposed to receive some packages today.


The office supplies haven't been delivered yet.


The sales of our new T-shirts keep increasing.


This document should be in the top drawer










A shadow is being cast on the ground.


The building is casting a shadow on the ground.


Two women are seated across from each other.


directly across from/directly opposite to


The man is plugging a cord.


goggles ゴーグル

Why don't we go on a tour of the facility this afternoon?


Shall I help you sort out the paperwork later?


Could you call the technician and ask him to repair the scanner?


Why don't you join our tennis tournament this week?


electronics store 電器店

Can I help you organize the stock in the storage room?


I'd appreciate that.感謝します

How about updating the system on your computer?


Please send me the agenda for the council meeting by 3 pm.


How about holding the next meeting online?


That will save us traveling time.


Why don't I pay for lunch this time?


That's really nice of you.


It would be my pleasure.喜んで。

store manager 店長
