
the store look its best.お店の見栄えを一番良い状態
all of the items are stacked on the shelves in an attractive manner.
please keep an eye out for any dirt.
work additional hours残業する

a new wing will be open新しい建物
annual tradition毎年恒年の伝統ある行事
blind luckまぐれではなかった
newly formed=newly created新設
We'll be getting a lot of attentionたくさんの注目を集めるでしょう
make sure we remain cheerful and courteous throughtout the day.

go on a business trip出張に行く
dispatch an expert専門家を派遣する
business college実務専門学校
It's in Chicago and it's this weekend
that helps a lotとても助かります
left for sw.he was up thereあちらに入る際

I‘m asking for some assistance with annual cleanup.
What would you like from us?
I can't spare that many.
The community center has a really tight budget,
so please have them bring along some rags(雑巾) and detergent(洗剤).

Take early retirement早期退職
I don’t think he’s a good fit.うまく合うとは思わない
Well, June is still a long way off. 6月はまだずいぶん先よね
Let’s post the position online and see if anyone suitable applies.

Junior employee準社員
Advertise a vacancy求人広告を出すこと
Conduct an employee evaluation従業員評価を行う

A bouquet of flowers花束
Are they ready for me to pick up? They sure are.
Be delivered locally 現地にお届け
Florist 生花店の店員
Request a price reduction値下げを要求する
A used goods store中古ショップ
Car parts 自動車部品
Stationery 文房具
Apparel 衣料品
It’s a worrying situation心配すべき状況となっていますね

Let‘s go up to our rooms and clean up.身支度する
It looks like we can meet back in the lobby at 7.また会える
If it’s all right with you, I’d like to bring my computer so that we can review the presentation over dinner.食事取りながら
Tonight, we’re here to celebrate our achievement of the sales target in this quarter. I’ve invited Smith to share her efforts.
I’m glad I did. Her findings eventually led to a dramatic recovery in sales. Anyway, I’d better stop talking so that she can get started.

Grand opening 堂々開店
Show the attendant the ticket stub on the way out.帰りの際にチケットの半券を係員に提示
Film premieres新作映画の封切り
We’re expecting a big crowd、 so be sure to get in early.沢山のお客様のご来場が見込まれる
Arrive ahead of time時間より前に到着する

instructional video教育用ビデオ
There, you'll find an assortment of free snacks so that you can wait in comfort.
connecting flight乗り継ぎ便
It's a short walk from a subway station.
secluded from the noise and heavy traffic~から隔離されている
The apartment management office provides monitoring with a security gate staffed at all hours of the day and night.


the womon is combing her hair.くしで髪をとかしている

Two women are greeting one another.お互いに挨拶している

cross the intersection交差点を渡る

a curtain is being drawn.カーテンが引かれているところである

a great selection of furniture素晴らしい家具の品揃えです

She's attending the general meeting at headquarters彼女は本部での総会に出席している

Now's not the best time for me.一番都合のいい時ではない

discuss the design furtherもっと話し合う必要あり

I have it with me now.今持っている

Our television commercial will start being broadcasted next week.CMは来週から放送が開始される


Could you give me somet time for revising the cost estimate?価格見積もりを変更する

We are not in a hurry急いでない

where did you put the attendence record出席記録

Can I use the projector for the programming workshop講習会

9pages long 9ページの長さ

print out the presentation slidesスライドを印刷する

at work職場で

the supply closet事務用品棚

I've decided to buy a new car, but I'm not sure what to get. Are you happy with the car you bought last month? I love it.満足してる?気に入ってる

I'd advise against it.It'd cost you a fortune.反対する、かなりの額かかる

Have you got a minute now?今少し時間あるかしら

I'm glad I ran into you.偶然出会えてうれしいよ

I'm waiting for the supplier to drop off some products for our event tomorrow.業者が製品を降ろしに来る

I have to carry them up to our office. Otherwise, he'll just leave them here on the sidewalk. Would you mind giving me a hand carrying them upstairs?そうしないと、彼はこの歩道に荷物を置いて行ってしまう

I'm already running a little late, and I'm meeting a client there.既にちょっと遅れていて、そこでお客様と会う予定になっているから

It looks like you've brought me the steak, but I ordered the fish.ステーキをお持ち頂いたようですが

I must have misheard you.

Let me bring you the dessert menu, though.デザートメニューをお持ちいたします

That's not necessary. I have to leave as soon as I finish eating anyway.どちらにせよ食事が済んだら出なくていけない

Here's a voucher as a token of our apology. You can use this to get 20% off on your next meal. こちらはおわびの印の割引券。こちらをお使いいただくと、次回のお食事が2割引になる。

I'm calling about a laptop computer I bought from you yesterday. I'm having a lot of trouble connecting it to the Internet.昨日お店で購入したノートパソコンの件でお電話しております。接続するのにかなり苦労してる

Are you sure that the problem is not with your home's Internet conncetion?

it connects just fine. I really need this solved today.

it's still under warranty. Would you like me to send a technician to your house to take a look?技術者を派遣して点検する

