









  1. 環境負荷の削減: 修理可能な製品が増えることで、廃棄物の削減につながります。特に、電子機器の廃棄物は地球に大きな負荷を与えるため、修理して再利用する文化が環境保護に直結します。

  2. 持続可能な消費: 新しい製品を作るには多くの資源が必要です。修理しやすい製品は、使い続けるという選択肢を増やし、資源の過剰消費を防ぎます。

  3. 消費者の選択肢の広がり: 修理できる製品を選べることで、消費者は単なる「使い捨て」ではない購買行動を選びやすくなります。

  4. 企業の責任ある製造: 修理しやすいデザインは、製造企業が製品の寿命を延ばす責任を意識するきっかけになります。これにより、製品の設計段階からサステナビリティが考慮されるようになります。





  1. 修理のしやすさ: フェアフォンは、誰でも簡単に部品を交換できる構造を持っています。たとえば、画面やバッテリーの交換が特殊な工具なしで可能で、修理マニュアルも公開されています。

  2. 公正なサプライチェーン: 製造過程で使用される鉱物は、紛争鉱物を排除したものを使用し、労働者の権利が守られた環境で採掘されています。これは、製品が環境だけでなく、社会にも優しい存在であることを意味します。

  3. 長持ちする設計: 部品のアップグレードが可能で、新しいモデルを購入せずとも機能を拡張できる仕組みが取り入れられています。これにより、製品寿命を大幅に延ばしています。


そんなパタゴニアは、「ウォーン・ウェア(Worn Wear)」というプログラムを通じて、製品の修理サービスを積極的に提供しています。このプログラムでは、消費者が愛用するジャケットやズボンなどのアウトドアギアを修理したり、破損した製品を組み合わせて新しい製品に生まれ変わらせたりすることで、製品寿命を延ばし循環性を高める取り組みを行っています。





2. 修理が生む経済の循環







  1. 地域の職人と修理業者の需要増加

    1. 修理を選ぶ人が増えることで、地元の職人や修理業者の需要も高まります。特に、地域に根付いた修理業者が安定した収入を得ることで、地域の経済活動がさらに活発になります。

  2. 地域コミュニティの絆を深める

    1. 修理品を地元に持ち込むことで、職人との交流が生まれます。これが単なる経済活動にとどまらず、ヨーロッパのように地域のつながりを深める要素となるのです。










  1. 家族の物語を未来へ

    1. たとえば、家族みんなで使ってきたダイニングテーブル。表面には長年の傷やシミがあっても、それも含めて家族の歴史そのものですよね。職人さんにお願いして修理すると、ピカピカになったテーブルがまた新しい思い出を作る舞台になります。

  2. お気に入りのアイテムをもう一度

    1. 旅行先で見つけたお気に入りのバッグや、初めてのお給料で自分に買った時計、特別な日にプレゼントされたネックレス。それが壊れてしまったら、とてもショックですよね。でも、修理を頼むことで、使い続けることができるし、さらにその物に対する思い入れが深まります。

  3. 地域の職人との出会い

    1. 修理をお願いした先で、職人さんと話をするのもなかなか楽しい時間です。「この部分がこうなっていましたよ」と教えてもらうと、物に込められた技術や背景に気づくことができます。その物には、新しい物語が加わるのかもしれませんね。



  1. 職人が与えるプロの魔法

    1. 職人さんの手にかかると、壊れた物がまるで新しい命を得たようによみがえります。ただ直すだけではなく、元々の良さを引き出したり、さらに使いやすく改良したりする技術は本当に感動的です。「直す」という行為が、単なる修理を超えて、新しい価値を生み出しているんです。YouTubeでも、リペアの職人さんによる修理の様子が見ることができる動画がたくさんアップされているので、是非見てみてください。

  2. 修理を通じた信頼と安心感

    1. 自分で直すのが難しい物でも、信頼できる職人さんにお願いすれば安心です。「また長く使える」という安心感が、その物への愛着をさらに深めてくれるはずです。



  1. 物を大切にする心を育てる

    1. 修理は、「すぐに捨てる」ではなく「どうしたら直せるかな?」と考えるきっかけになります。そうした思考が、自然と物を大切にする心を育ててくれるんです。

  2. 達成感や喜び

    1. 職人さんに頼む場合も、自分で直す場合も、「直った!」という瞬間には特別な達成感があります。それは物への愛着や、自分自身の行動に対する満足感につながります。

  3. 修理は癒しの時間にもなる

    1. 職人さんが丁寧に直してくれた物を手に取ると、「またこれを使えるんだ」という喜びが広がります。忙しい日々の中で、少しだけ立ち止まって物に向き合うという、贅沢な時間でもあるのかなと思います。









Design to Fix, Mind to Fix: New Stories Born of Repair

Hello and welcome to the third article in this series on repair and the circular economy! This is the third article in this series on repair and the circular economy.

In the first article, we touched on the repair culture and historical background of Japan and Europe, as well as the current status and challenges of repair; in the second article, we presented various policies and initiatives in Europe, which can be considered a leading repair country. We hope that those who have read this article have felt how important "repair" is and how it is an important option for shaping the society of the future.

I had intended to write about the 'right to repair' in this article, as I announced at the end of Volume 2. But first I had to ask myself "What kind of product is easy to repair in the first place?" and "What kind of feelings and values are created by the decision to repair a product? I thought that if I delved deeper into questions like "What kind of products are easy to repair in the first place? How many of the products we use every day are designed to be easy to repair? And what kind of feelings do you think are generated by repairing broken or dirty items?

In fact, the act of 'fixing' not only restores broken things to their original state, but also has the power to rediscover the value of things and deepen our connection with them.

So in this article I would like to look at repair from two perspectives: "the design to repair" and "the heart to repair". How 'design' expands our options and how 'heart' brings things to life. I hope you will try to experience repair from these perspectives.

1. Designed for easy repair

Fixing broken things. If it were easier, how many things would come back to life and how much the environment and our lives would change. In fact, "design for easy repair" is not only convenient, it has the potential to have a huge impact on our society and our future.

<Why do we need repairable design? >

Why do we need to design products that are easy to repair?
While durability and performance have been emphasised in many product designs to date, ease of repair has often not been considered. For example, precision devices such as smartphones often require special tools or have built-in parts that cannot be replaced. Designing for ease of repair has the following implications

Reduced environmental impact: More repairable products mean less waste. As e-waste in particular has a significant impact on the planet, a culture of repair and reuse is directly linked to environmental protection.

Sustainable consumption: It takes a lot of resources to make new products. Repairable products increase the choice to continue using them and prevent over-consumption of resources.

Increased consumer choice: The availability of repairable products makes it easier for consumers to make purchasing decisions that are not simply "throwaway".

Responsible manufacturing: Repairable design encourages manufacturers to take responsibility for extending the life of their products. This ensures that sustainability is considered from the product design stage.

<The world Fairphone aims to reach>

The Fairphone is often cited as a prime example of an easily repairable design. This smartphone from the Netherlands is "not just a smartphone, but something that changes the way society thinks in the short term and prioritises profit over people and planet". Through its products, Fairphone proposes sustainable consumption and production, and aims to change entire industries to encourage ethical behaviour.

The world Fairphone wants to create has the following characteristics.

Ease of repair: Fairphone has a structure that allows anyone to easily replace parts. For example, screens and batteries can be replaced without special tools, and repair manuals are available.

Fair supply chain: Minerals used in the manufacturing process are conflict-free and mined in an environment where workers' rights are protected. This means our products are not only environmentally friendly, but also socially responsible.

Durable design: The design incorporates a mechanism that allows components to be upgraded and functionality to be expanded without having to purchase a new model. This greatly extends the life of the product.

<Patagonia repair service>

Another interesting case is Patagonia, an outdoor brand with enthusiastic fans all over the world. Both Mr Takayama, the director of Yumeister, and Mr Hoshi, the product manager, love Patagonia! Patagonia actively provides product repair services through a programme called "Worn Wear".

Through this programme, we repair consumers' favourite outdoor gear, such as jackets and pants, and combine damaged products with new ones, extending product life and improving recycling.

In addition, the company holds repair events around the world to give consumers the opportunity to bring in their own products for repair. This not only communicates the importance of repair, but also allows consumers to experience repair techniques. Patagonia also publishes a repair guide on its website to help consumers repair their own products.
This initiative encourages DIY repairs and promotes a "culture of taking care of things".

<The value created by Fairphone and Patagonia>

Products and initiatives like Fairphone and Patagonia have a value that goes beyond simply being able to fix things when they break. I believe they have the power to teach consumers the joy of taking care of things, to encourage companies to engage in responsible manufacturing, and to spread the 'no throwaway option' throughout society.

Both Fairphone and Patagonia are similarly demonstrating their commitment to the global environment by extending the life of their products. The spread of this concept could fundamentally change our consumer behaviour and product choices.

<The future of repairable design>

The proliferation of easily repairable design products will free us from the 'throwaway culture' and help us to live more sustainably. And by choosing such products, each of us can make a choice to contribute to the global environment and society.

When we buy something, we ask ourselves: "Which product is easy to repair? "Can I fix it and keep using it?" I would like you to consider these questions when you buy something.

2.The economic cycle created by repair

Have you ever thought about the economic impact that the decision to repair things when they break has on our daily lives and society? No, as you might expect, almost no one thinks about it and, of course, they act accordingly. Repair is more than just "the act of fixing broken things"; it is deeply connected to our household budgets, local economies and society as a whole. Let us consider the impact of repairs on the economy.

<Economic security through repairs>

By repairing broken items and continuing to use them, the frequency of replacement can be significantly reduced. For example, regularly repairing furniture and equipment that can be used for 10 years can reduce replacement costs. This 'reduction in the replacement cycle' is an effective way of keeping household finances healthy.

The continued use of repaired items creates value beyond the original purchase cost. For example, the continued use of furniture, suitcases or shoes that a family has used for many years, while they are being repaired, transforms them from mere "objects" to "assets" that support daily life. Taking good care of things is a catalyst for creating new value.

<Repair culture supports local economy>

Spreading a repair culture also brings great benefits to the local economy. It creates jobs for local repairers and craftspeople and revitalises the whole community.

Increased demand for local craftspeople and repairers:
As more people choose to repair, the demand for local craftsmen and repairers will increase. In particular, local economic activity will be further stimulated by the steady income generated by local repairers.

Strengthening local community ties:
Bringing repaired products to the local community creates interaction with artisans. This is more than just an economic activity; it is an element that deepens community ties, as in Europe.

<Why repair is good for the environment and the economy>

Reduced waste disposal costsReducing waste is obviously a great benefit to the local economy. By reducing the cost of waste disposal, councils are more likely to be able to allocate their budgets to other areas. By choosing to repair, we can say that we are creating an economically efficient society.

Improving the efficiency of resource useMaking new things takes a lot of resources and energy. On the other hand, repair is a choice to make use of existing items and is a way to avoid wasting resources. Such resource use will support the foundation of a sustainable society.

<Integrating repair into the future of the economy>

As the repair culture spreads, consumer society will move in a more sustainable direction. The revitalisation of the repair industry will lead to the creation of new professions and services, which in turn will lead to the growth of the economy as a whole. In addition, as companies develop 'easy to repair' products, the market will have better products to offer. The next time something breaks, please consider the "option to fix it and keep using it!

3.the emotions and stories that repair inhabits

What do you think about repairing broken things? You may think of it as just fixing things, but it can have a special meaning beyond that. Through repair we can become aware of the stories behind things and our own feelings.

<Repairing connects memories to the future>

Objects are engraved with memories of when we first acquired them and the time we spent using them. Repairing an item allows you to connect those memories to the future. Our customers have their own stories to tell.

Bringing family stories into the future:
Take, for example, a dining table that has been used by the whole family. The surface may have scratches and stains from years of use, but that is part of the family history itself. If you hire a craftsman to repair it, the shiny new table will become a stage for making new memories.

Bringing back favourite items:
A favourite bag found on a trip, a watch bought with your first pay cheque or a necklace given to you on a special occasion. It would be a shock if it broke. But by having it repaired, you can continue to use it and become even more attached to it.

Meet local craftsmen:
It is also very pleasant to talk to the craftsmen in the place where you ask for repairs. When they tell me, "This is what happened to this part," I can see the skills and background that went into the item. It can add a new story to the object.

<New stories created through repair>

Choosing to repair an item brings with it the hope that the item can be repaired and used again. It is a special experience that cannot be gained by simply consuming an item.

Professional magic from a craftsman:
In the hands of a craftsman, a broken object is brought back to life, as if it had been given a new lease of life. The ability to not only fix things, but to bring out the best in them and make them even easier to use is truly impressive. There are many videos on YouTube showing our craftsmen at work, so please take a look.

Repair confidence and peace of mind:
Even if it is difficult to repair something yourself, you can have the peace of mind of knowing that you can trust a professional to do it for you. The peace of mind that comes from knowing that your item will be usable again for a long time will deepen your attachment to it.

<What repair does to our hearts and minds>

The act of repair itself can bring about a small change in our hearts.

Cultivate a mind that values things:
Repairing something is not a matter of "throwing it away immediately", but rather an opportunity to think, "How can I fix this? It is an opportunity to think, "How can I fix it? Such thinking naturally fosters a mindset of valuing things.

A sense of accomplishment and joy:
Whether you ask a tradesman to fix something or you fix it yourself, there is a special sense of accomplishment in the moment when you say, "I fixed it! There is a special sense of accomplishment in the moment of "I fixed it! It leads to a sense of attachment to the object and satisfaction with your own actions.

Repair can also be a time of healing:
When you hold an object that has been carefully repaired by a craftsman, the joy of "I can use this again" spreads. I think it is a luxurious time in our busy lives to stop for a moment and look at the object.

<The power of repair to connect the future>

As the repair culture spreads, our society will shift towards valuing things more. Not only will this reduce our impact on the environment, but it will also strengthen the bonds between the people who use things. The next time you find something broken, ask yourself, "How can I fix it? This action can be the first step in spinning the rest of the story.


There is more to the act of repair than fixing broken things - I hope this article has helped you to feel that, if only a little. I hope this article has given you a sense of the power of repair. will lead us to rethink our own lives and values. And I believe that this will become the power that binds the future of society as a whole.

In the next issue we will finally look at the 'right to repair' (again, sorry if this is suddenly replaced by another topic! I apologise in advance, just in case lol). What kind of future does this right envisage and how can we benefit from it? I hope to bring you content related to the previous topics as I learn more myself.

Finally, if this article reminds anyone of broken things around you, please take a moment to choose to "fix" them. It could be the start of a new story.

Let's continue to think together about the choices we can make to take care of things!


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