
「直す・借りる・シェアする」は広がる? ~[研究レポート]東京大学&国立環境研究所~

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「実際にリペアがどれほど経済や環境に影響を与えるのか?」 「消費者の行動はどのように変わっていくのか?」

そんなことを感じていたところ、国立環境研究所 資源循環領域と東京大学 大学院工学系研究科の研究チームが、サーキュラーエコノミー(循環経済)の取り組みを事前評価する消費者行動シミュレーションモデルを開発する研究をおこなっていたことを知りました。









Agent-based Model for Assessment of Multiple Circular Economy Strategies: Quantifying Product-Service Diffusion, Circularity, and Sustainability

Ryu Koide, Haruhisa Yamamoto, Keisuke Nansai, Shinsuke Murakami

【掲載誌】Resources, Conservation and Recycling













  • 多様性:消費者ごとに異なる嗜好や購買行動を反映。

  • 限定合理性:すべての情報を完全に処理するのではなく、必ずしも経済合理性に従うわけではなく、限られた情報に基づいて意思決定を行う。

  • 社会的影響:口コミや周囲の行動が選択に影響を与える。






1. リユース戦略(再利用)




2. リファービッシュ戦略(再生品の販売)









3. リース・シェアリング戦略(所有から利用への転換)















① 価格設定の最適化 –「お得感」の創出が鍵





② 品質管理と保証制度 –「安心感」が購入の決め手




  • 品質基準の統一化:各リファービッシュ業者が一定の基準を満たすことを保証する制度の確立

  • 保証期間の設定:新品と同じように「1年間の保証」などを付与し、消費者の安心感を高める

  • 信頼性の確保:認証制度の導入(例:メーカー認定のリファービッシュ品)


③ 社会的影響の活用 –「周りが使っているから、私も」





  • 口コミの促進:実際のユーザーのレビューを活用し、サービスの利便性や満足度を広める

  • インフルエンサー施策:環境意識の高いインフルエンサーが利用することで、一般消費者の関心を引く

  • 紹介プログラムの導入:「友人を紹介すると割引が適用される」などのキャンペーンを実施




  • 価格面でのメリットを明確にし、お得感を出す(リファービッシュ品の価格最適化、サブスク型リースの導入)

  • 品質保証を徹底し、消費者が安心して選べる環境を作る(品質基準の統一化、メーカー認定、長期保証の提供)

  • 社会的影響を活用し、リース・シェアリングの普及を加速させる(口コミ・インフルエンサー施策、紹介キャンペーン)











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Will "Fix, Rent, Share" Spread?

The University of Tokyo & National Institute for Environmental Studies

In this NOTE Magazine "CIRCULAR★JOURNEY", we have introduced the current situation and challenges of the repair market and the efforts of governments and companies around the world. Vol.4 featured the efforts of "iFixit" to promote a repair culture, and Vol.5 delved into the possibilities of the refurbish market. Volume 5 explored the possibilities of the refurbishment market.
Through these examples, we hope you have seen that repair is not just a consumer option in everyday life, but also an important part of building a sustainable future.

But aren't you suddenly asking yourself?
How much does repair really impact the economy and the environment?
How will consumer behavior change?

While we were feeling this way, we learned that a research team from the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) in the field of resource recycling and the Graduate School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo had conducted research to develop a consumer behavior simulation model to evaluate circular economy initiatives in advance.

This time, we would like to report on a case study using the "Consumer Behavior Simulation Model" developed by the National Institute for Environmental Studies and the University of Tokyo to see how the introduction of circular economy measures such as sharing, reuse, and repair will affect the environment and circularity in the future.
I would like to report on it!

This simulation is a data-driven analysis of how consumers make choices to buy new, repair, or reuse, and how this affects the market and the environment.

What is the background and purpose of the study?

In a state where recycling-oriented consumption behaviors such as reuse, refurbishment, leasing, and sharing are attracting increasing attention, companies and governments are faced with the challenge of how to design and promote these behaviors in a way that is acceptable to consumers, right?

According to a research team from the National Institute for Environmental Studies and the University of Tokyo, conventional consumer behavior research has generally analyzed consumer behavior using average consumer models, but since consumer preferences and behaviors are naturally diverse in actual markets, it has been difficult to accurately capture the actual situation through a one-size-fits-all analysis.

For example, one group of consumers prioritizes price, another group prioritizes environmental awareness, another group prioritizes convenience, and so on.

Therefore, the objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of circular economy strategies by taking into account the diverse choices of consumers. In particular, by using simulations that incorporate the effects of consumer interactions and information diffusion, it attempts to determine the conditions under which a given policy will be successful or create challenges.

Agent-based Model for Assessment of Multiple Circular Economy Strategies: Quantifying Product-Service Diffusion, Circularity, and Sustainability

Ryu Koide, Haruhisa Yamamoto, Keisuke Nansai, Shinsuke Murakami

Resources, Conservation and Recycling



Source: The University of Tokyo website

Research Methodology: Consumer Behavior Simulation Overview

The study used an agent-based modeling (ABM) methodology to develop the world's first simulation model that applies to seven types of circular economy policies, including sharing, reuse, and repair. 2,000 to 8,000 virtual consumers The interaction of consumers and products was modeled by recreating them on a computer and setting behavioral rules for each individual consumer.

The flow of individual products from manufacture, purchase, use, and disposal to recycling was reproduced on the computer, reflecting characteristics such as length of product use and reasons for disposal, which vary from consumer to consumer, waiting periods when products are not in use, and storage of used products in the household for a period of time without disposal, to simulate the product cycle and environmental impacts associated with the introduction of policies. The changes in impact are simulated.

Seven types of circular economy actions

The seven types of circular economy measures are: repair (repairing), reuse (reusing used products), refurbish (refurbishing used products and providing them with a guaranteed level of quality), functional upgrade (adding some functions to used products), lease (lending products to consumers for a long period of time), rental (lending products to consumers for a short period of time), and sharing (sharing products among consumers).

Three Elements of Consumer Behavior

This simulation model of consumer behavior takes into account the following three factors that significantly influence consumer decisions

Reflects the different preferences and buying behaviors of each consumer.

Limited rationality:
Decision making is based on limited information, which does not necessarily follow economic rationality, rather than fully processing all information.

Social influences:
Word of mouth and peer behaviors influence decisions.

Research Findings: Consumer Behavior

The research team conducted simulation experiments on the following two hypothetical consumer electronics case studies to test the usefulness of the model

A combination of circular economy measures (leasing services for refurbished products)
A comparison of circular economy measures (reuse, rental and sharing services).

The specific impacts of each of the three strategies "Reuse", "Refurbish" and "Rent/Share" on consumer behavior and environmental impacts will be quantitatively evaluated.

reuse strategy

<Increase in market share>
Simulation results show that the market share of reused products can be increased up to 25% by taking into account consumer preferences and social impacts. This implies that it is not only about low price, but also about the social acceptance of the option to choose reused products among consumers. In particular, strong social influences such as word of mouth and online reviews could accelerate the spread of reused products.

<Reducing environmental impact>
It is estimated that the proliferation of reused products will reduce the number of new products manufactured, which in turn will reduce CO₂ emissions by approximately 15%. Manufacturing new products requires large amounts of resources and energy, but the use of reused products can significantly reduce this burden. In particular, the CO₂ emissions associated with the production of new products are significant in the home appliance and electronic equipment sectors, and expanding the distribution of reused products will significantly reduce the environmental burden.

Refurbishment Strategy (Selling Refurbished Products)

<The Impact of Quality and Price>
An important factor in the acceptance of refurbished products is whether or not consumers perceive them to be of the same quality as new products. Simulations have shown that if the quality of refurbished products is kept at the same level as new products and the price is set at 70% of the price of new products, consumers' willingness to buy increases by about 30%.

In other words, it is not just a matter of lowering the price, but whether consumers are satisfied with the quality of the refurbished product is essential for the growth of the refurbished market. In addition, "warranty period" and "brand reliability" have been shown to have a significant impact on purchase intent. This means that confidence-building measures are needed, as consumers are reluctant to buy products if they are unsure of the quality, even if they are less expensive than new products.

<Environmental effects>
It has been suggested that the introduction of a refurbishment strategy could reduce waste and make more effective use of resources, reducing the overall environmental impact by about 10%. Particularly in the case of durable consumer goods such as electronics and furniture, proper repair and refurbishment is expected to reduce the amount of waste and the use of resource extraction and manufacturing energy.

It has also been pointed out that an active market for refurbished products can lead to a change in consumer behavior, with consumers considering repaired or refurbished products instead of replacing them with new ones. As a result, in the long run, consumers are expected to reduce their purchases of new equipment and promote more sustainable consumption patterns.

leasing and sharing strategies (shift from ownership to use)

<Factors contributing to diffusion>
For the diffusion of leasing and sharing services among consumers, it was confirmed that not only price and convenience, but also "whether people around you are using the service or not" have a significant impact.

The simulation results showed that when friends and family members are already using leasing/sharing services, the individual's intention to use the service tends to increase by about 20%. This indicates that social networks have a very strong influence on consumer behavior.

In particular, it suggests that sharing positive opinions on social networking and review sites can increase the awareness and acceptance of lease-sharing and accelerate the rate of adoption of the service. In urban areas, car sharing and the leasing of furniture and appliances are already widespread, suggesting a shift in consumer values towards "ownership".

<Contributing to the environment>
The introduction of leasing and sharing strategies is expected to improve the efficiency of product use and reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 12%. This is due to the fact that fewer products are owned by individuals, thereby reducing overall production.

In particular, as sharing becomes more widespread, the same product will be used by multiple consumers, which will reduce the frequency with which new products are purchased, thereby conserving resources. From a business perspective, the provision of leasing and sharing services has also shown the potential to become a new source of revenue in the form of a "subscription model".

It is predicted that as consumers become less conscious of ownership, companies will shift from being in the business of "selling products" to "providing use", thereby establishing a more stable revenue base.

Discussion of the research findings: "Changing Consumer Behavior" as the Key to Success in the Circular Economy

As mentioned above, this simulation study analyzes the impact of three circular economy strategies - reuse, refurbish, and lease/sharing - on consumer behavior.

The results indicate that for these strategies to be successful, it is essential to introduce appropriate measures that encourage consumers to change their behavior, rather than simply providing them with options. Specifically, the elements necessary to encourage changes in consumer behavior can be summarized in the following three points

(1) Optimizing pricing - Creating a sense of "value for money" is key.

In order for circular economy products and services to be widely accepted, it is important to set prices that are attractive to consumers. In this study, it was shown that pricing refurbished products at about 70% of the price of new products increases the willingness to buy by about 30%. This means that consumers are more likely to purchase a product if they perceive that it is cheaper than a new product and that its quality is guaranteed.

In the lease-sharing model, it has also been found that setting the subscription fee can make the difference between success and failure. For example, if a household appliance or furniture leasing service is available at a fixed monthly cost and the price is set so that the customer perceives it as "more economically beneficial than ownership," the willingness to use the service is likely to increase significantly.

In other words, it has been shown that convincing consumers that "it is more economical to reuse, refurbish or lease than to buy new" is an essential element in the diffusion of the circular economy.

(2) Quality Control and Warranty Programs - "Peace of Mind" is a Key Purchase Factor

Research suggests that improving quality and strengthening warranty programs are particularly important for the growth of the refurbished product market.

Simulations show that consumers' willingness to buy refurbished products increases significantly when the quality of refurbished products is perceived to be "equivalent" to that of new products. This means that the market is unlikely to expand unless an environment is created in which consumers can purchase refurbished products with confidence, since many of them have "concerns about the quality of used and refurbished products". Therefore, the following actions are needed

Standardize quality standards:
Establish a system to ensure that each refurbisher meets certain standards.

Establish a warranty period:
Provide a "one-year warranty" or similar, the same as for new products, to increase consumer peace of mind.

Ensure reliability:
Establish a certification system (e.g., manufacturer-certified refurbished products).

This has been shown to expand the refurbished market by giving consumers the feeling that the products are "as reliable as new".

(3) Use of Social Influence - "People around me are using it, so am I".

In this simulation, we found that "social influence" plays an extremely important role in the diffusion of lease/sharing services. Specifically, it was shown that when friends and family members use lease/sharing, their own intention to use the service increases by about 20%.

This suggests that consumers tend to make behavioral decisions based on whether or not those around them are using the service. To take advantage of this result, the following measures are considered effective

Word-of-mouth advertising:
Use actual user reviews to spread the word about the convenience and satisfaction of the service.

Influencer actions:
Attract general consumer interest by having environmentally conscious influencers use the service.

Implement referral programs:
Implement campaigns such as "refer a friend and get a discount".

These findings suggest that strategies that actively leverage "social influence" are necessary to encourage consumers to change their behavior, and that stimulating the psychology of "I use it because everyone around me uses it" is essential for the growth of the sharing and leasing model.

Spreading the circular economy

The results of this study clearly show that for the circular economy to succeed, it is not enough to simply "offer sustainable products and services", but that mechanisms are needed to encourage consumers to make this choice naturally.

Clarify price advantages and create value for money (price optimization of refurbished products, introduction of sub-square leasing).

Ensure quality and create an environment where consumers can choose with confidence (standardize quality standards, certify manufacturers, provide long-term warranties).

Leverage social influence to accelerate the adoption of leasing and sharing (word-of-mouth and influencer activities, referral campaigns).

The comprehensive implementation of these strategies will increase the likelihood of changing consumer behavior and achieving wider adoption of the circular economy.


What was your experience?
As the circular economy initiative progresses, options such as "repair", "rent" and "share" are becoming more accessible. We hope that you have been able to read from the research results presented here that there is sufficient significance and potential for future expansion, also in quantitative terms.

In particular, you have found that price and quality assurance systems, as well as word of mouth and social influence, play a significant role in consumer decision-making.

In order to move from a culture of "throwaway" to one of "long-lasting and valued use," it will be important to create an environment in which consumers feel "compelled to choose" without difficulty. Given that the choices each of us makes will shape the future marketplace and environment, I was reminded that proactively adopting repair and reuse choices is not a small change.

The accumulation of small actions can lead to a big step towards a better, more recycling-oriented society! In the next issue of Volume 7, we will report on the results of another study.

Let's explore new perspectives for a sustainable future together!


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