
赤穂での 1年半 / One and a Half years in Ako


It's 2025, and it's been a year and a half since I moved to Ako. And I am expanding the possibilities of my life more than Kobe Era.

『 神戸時代  / Kobe Era. 』

移住するまでの 40年以上、神戸に住み、大阪・梅田の小さな商社の業務を任されていました。また、それと同時期に、33年以上に亘ってオートバイに関わる NPO法人活動を主宰し、近畿を中心に沖縄から北海道までの全国各地でイベント開催を行ない、多い時には 年間 40イベント以上を開催していました。その関係もあり、平日はほぼ最終電車で帰宅し、休日には、イベント開催やオートバイ整備など、主にNPO法人関連の業務を行なってきました。

For more than 40 years before moving to Japan, I lived in Kobe, a city of 1.5 million people, and was in charge of a small trading company in Umeda, the center of Osaka, the second largest city in Japan. At the same time, for more than 33 years, he presided over the activities of a non-profit organization related to motorcycles, holding events all over the country from Okinawa to Hokkaido, mainly in, and at times held more than 40 events a year. Because of this, I almost always take the last train home on weekdays, and on my days off, I have been mainly engaged in work related to NPOs, such as holding events and maintaining motorcycles.

『 心不全 / Heart Failure 』


I've been aware of the occasional illness for more than 10 years. However, the doctor did not like it, so he continued to ignore it, saying, "I'm sure it's okay." However, in the spring of 2023, when I was looking for a new place to live, my body suddenly became uncontrollable and I could hardly walk. I was hospitalized urgently and the doctor told me that the name of the disease was "heart failure", which was caused by a heart attack, and the symptoms were a little severe.

『 移住 / Migration 』

退院は無事にできましたが、それからが少し忙しい毎日になりました。移住先を決め、契約手続きをして、荷造りをして、トラックとヘルパーの手配をして、家財道具の他に、オートバイ 3台と NPOの活動機材一式を、2トントラックで 5回に分けて自らの手で引越しを2023年の夏に完了させました。 ただ、無理をした事もあり、3~4日毎に心臓発作があり、治まるのに半日から1日、それから丸1日以上も安静に過ごす日々が続きました。

I was able to leave the hospital safely, but after that, my life became a little busy. We decided where to move, signed the contract, packed, and arranged for trucks and helpers. Then, in the summer of 2023, I completed the move of my household belongings, three motorcycles, and a set of NPO activity equipment in five batches using a 2-ton truck myself. However, due to the burden on my body, I had a heart attack every 3~4 days, and it took half a day to 1 day to subside, and then I spent more than a full day on bed rest.

『 療養 / Recuperation 』


However, the location I chose for a property with a garage (warehouse) was the perfect environment to help my damaged body recover. It's not just about being full of nature. The environmental space for one person is overwhelmingly large, the passage of time is much calmer and slower, the mental distance between people is close to the skin, homemade seasonal vegetables are available at a low price, and when the sun goes down, there is a deep silence. It was indeed the perfect place for me to recuperate.

恐らく、この発作との付き合いは一生続くとは思いますが、一病息災、これからも NPO法人活動などを通じて創り出すモノに、僕自身、大きな期待と夢を抱いています。

Thanks to these environments, I am getting enough important food and sleep, the frequency of seizures has decreased to about once a week, my activity time has gradually increased, and I have more opportunities to see many new possibilities for my future life, and my dreams are expanding.
I will probably live with this seizure for the rest of my life, but I have high hopes and dreams for the things I will continue to create through my activities as an NPO. And I am grateful for all the encounters and events, including my time in Kobe.
