


The English version is at the bottom.

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ある日NYC で出会った時、カブールノート読んだわよ、現場がよく描かれてますね、とわざわざ伝えてくれた。その後、酒蔵で天ぷら蕎麦を食べた。









写真は、9・11同時多発テロ時間から約1年後、NHKの特別番組でニューヨークでのロケ中。ワールドトレードセンターがなくなった空間を見ていた。その頃、緒方さんはフォード財団でUNHCR時代の回顧録を執筆中だった。"The Turbulent Decade: Confronting The Refugee Crises Of The 1990s"。

English version

Sadako Ogata passed away.

When I started my first job at the United Nations, the Cold War regime collapsed and civil war broke out everywhere. Even at such extremely occupied time, she spared a few minutes to greet the novice like me.

I remember that she often said that we need a pro in the humanitarian assistance, and that catchphrase assistance is useless.

After I spent a decade in this job, she started calling me to join her lecture panel, take interviews with media, and task me for assessments.

But she kept calling me "Yoshi" in public meetings with the Japanese government, where calling the first name sounds weird except for a small kid. I felt like telling her that I had already graduated the elementary school.

Her press conference was always overwhelming everywhere. Questions asked by a clever and pretentious journalist were chopped up by her in smooth and refined English. I felt proud to have such a cool Japanese.

But I don't think she was conscious that she was working as a Japanese. She never showed favoritism toward the Japanese staff. That is part of the reason why she was respected among everyone.

Still, I should think I owe her my career. I would not have survived the organizational politics without her discreet support.

One day when I met her in New York, she bothered to tell me “I read your book "Kabul Note”. You wrote about the field's reality very well". After that, we went to eat tempura soba noodle in her favorite restaurant, Sakagura

When she was the president of JICA, I was asked by her to do a certain assessment in a certain country and went there with JICA staff. I, however, was totally unconvinced by the report they wrote. In the end, I refused to sign the report, and I wrote my own report separately.

When I went back to debrief her in the JICA President's Office in Tokyo, I was anxious thinking that she might be angry. When I entered her office, she received me smiling and said: “Of course, you didn’t get along well with them, did you?.” My nervousness went out and we laughed aloud. In hindsight, I suspect that she knew what happened would happen. She had already read both reports.

At one point I was so curious about how her thought system was formed, and I read some academic papers she wrote in the past. One of them described how Japan’s domestic politics formed its diplomacy. It might have been a criticism of wars in which Japan was involved in the past or criticism of modern times.

When everyone saw the Balkans conflict in a stalemate, she delivered a speech severely critical of the UN Security Council for its dependence on humanitarian aid. It was a criticism of great powers failing to make a political solution while humanitarian aid was used as if it is an excuse for no political solution.

I remember her with two distinctive properties; a) thorough professionalism and b) free spirit from any authority.

There might still be many good Japanese. I, however, know no one other than her is so universally respected by the international community.

May she rest in peace.

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