Japanese spend their days feeling the changes of the seasons.
I saw a news article that said, "Ubi Soft's Assassin's Creed SHADOWS is a game set in Japan, but people have too many misconceptions about Japan. After watching a video clipping of the game and several news sites, I thought that it might be difficult to understand Japanese people's sense of the seasons, and decided to write an article about it.
There is a scene in which the main character, Yosuke, says in the spring, "This year we will have a good harvest.
If this line had been, "I hope you have a good harvest this fall," there would have been no problem.
In general, rice in Japan is usually planted around the end of May and harvested in the fall.
I also heard that Ubi Soft is running a haiku competition. The basic rule of haiku is that if you do not include seasonal words (called "kigo" in Japan), it cannot be a haiku.
I also heard that Ubi Soft is running a haiku competition. The basic rule of haiku is that if you do not include seasonal words (called "Kigo" in Japan), it cannot be a haiku.
If a sentence is expressed in the order of five, seven, and five characters in Japanese and does not include a seasonal word, it is "Senryu".
"Senryu" is a form of expression popular in the Edo period (1600-1867 A.D.) and used to satirize the world.
Anyone who has received compulsory education in Japan is familiar with the above-mentioned content.
Also, both "Haiku" and "Senryu" are one of the methods of expression that have been handed down to the present day, and we do not want them to be mistakenly passed on to the people around us.
I am very happy that games can be an opportunity for people to learn about other cultures. If you are going to incorporate something Japanese into a game, I would have hoped that you would have paid close attention to the seasonal expressions.
But there's still a chance to fix the game; I will see what Ubi Software does.