Hiroshima,Nagasaki about Atomic Bomb
In Japan, elementary school students have the opportunity to learn about Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
When I was in the sixth grade of elementary school, I went to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum on a school excursion. Although some of the exhibits may be different from those of today, I remember being very shocked.
The effects of the atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima are as follows.
(1) Buildings within 3 km of the hypocenter were destroyed or lost without a trace.
(2) Most people within 1.2 km of the hypocenter were killed by the heat rays of the atomic bomb, which burned their skin and internal organs.
(3) People outside the 3.5-kilometer radius of the hypocenter suffered burns to their bare skin.
(4) People within 1 km of the hypocenter died within a few days due to the effects of radiation emitted from the the aomic bomb.
(5) After the end of World War II, discrimination has occurred against those who were victims of the atomic bombing.
(6) The damage caused by the aomic bomb has affected the health of generations to come.
For more details, I would like you to check the Atomic Bomb Museum and the documents of the time with your own eyes.
There is a manga called "Hadashi no Gen" (Japanese name). I can no longer read it because it shocked me so much about the damage done by the atomic bomb and the subsequent lives of the main characters.
Did the people who made the decision to use the atomic bomb have any idea what would happen to the people who were affected? Or could they not have foreseen it?
When I think of the people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki who were affected by the atomic bomb, I cannot think of them as human beings.
I hope that the atomic bomb will never happen again. The situation is so tragic that it pains my heart. I want the world to be a place where we can proudly say to those who died in the atomic bombings, "A world without atomic bombs continues to exist.”
*This text is machine-translated from Japanese into English, and I would appreciate it if you could point out some parts of the text that may be incorrect.
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