
地球の向こう側の誰かと共に生き、今日から《リモートでも》一緒に暮らすこと。 vol.7 -変わりゆく地域性-

さて、今年2021年も終盤となりましたが、co・iki (co-iki.org)のリモートレジデンシーPOLYTOPIA(ポリトピア)が始まりました!


詳しくはこちら☛ https://co-iki.org/en_US/events/polytopia/

昨年2020の"Creativity from HOME" ( https://co-iki.org/en_US/events/creativity-from-home/ ) は、パンデミック初期の状況に呼応し、「家」「ホーム」から着想を得、7か国から参加したクリエイターたちがプロジェクトやリサーチを展開しました。















POLYTOPIA remote residency

UN/Learning Lab

*Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Living with someone on the other side of the world from today [even remotely]  vol.7 - In the Exploration of Locality

As we approach the end of the year 2021, coiki's (co-iki.org) remote residency POLYTOPIA has begun!

This year, too, we will be welcoming artists and creators from various countries to dig deeper into the transforming "locality" and "indigenousness (regional indigenousness)" with the participants through imaginative/creative processes.

For more information, please visit ☛ https://co-iki.org/en_US/events/polytopia/

Last year's 2020 "Creativity from HOME" ( https://co-iki.org/en_US/events/creativity-from-home/ ) was inspired by "home" and "home" in response to the early stage of the pandemic. Creators from seven countries developed their projects and research.

This year's theme is Locality, which is the next phase of the pandemic.

However, we hope that the Locality here will overturn the existing concepts (depending on the participating artists, so please look forward to it !).

I hope you all will join us in this exploration 💡.

The concept of Locality has been transforming ever since before the pandemic.

The concept of locality has been changing since before the pandemic, and the pandemic has changed it even more, making its multi-layered meanings more visible and apparent. I imagine that this is because the way we build local communities and relationships is changing radically and locally.

I feel that this is a theme that should be tackled by people who live in the present age and who are capable of tackling it with imagination and creativity, from within the land and climate of each country. I believe that these efforts can connect communities, people, the material and the immaterial, and sometimes even the international.

Aren't we at a time when new forms of "region," "neighborhood," and "community" are being built?

Digital tools are helping us to do this.

However, those that depend on the environment sometimes create disparities.

What we need to do is to "imagine" other people and strangers, whether they are remote or not.

This "imagination" is the "technology" of the future.

I believe that it is the artists who live in the present age and the people who are involved in this field that are responsible for how we can apply this technology.

Under Corona, the field of culture and art was also hit hard, but I think the role of artists became clearer in the midst of it.

I would be happy if POLYTOPIA, an experimental remote residency, could become a hub for people from various backgrounds and help to change existing concepts and attitudes.
