春の蔵びらき・2024年4月21日(日)/ Spring Kurabiraki and Festival on Sunday, 21st April, 2024
2024年4月21日(日) 埼玉県深谷市にある丸山酒造株式会社主催の「金大星 蔵びらき」に行ってきました。同日、飯能市の五十嵐酒造の蔵祭りも開催していたのですが、こちらは昨年参加(2023年 蔵祭りのnote はこちら)したことがあったため、研究会メンバー3名で丸山酒造への参加としました。
On Sunday, April 21, 2024, we went to the “Kintaiboshi Kurabiraki” organized by Maruyama Sake Brewery Co. in Fukaya City, Saitama Prefecture. On the same day, Igarashi Sake Brewery in Hanno City was also holding a brewery festival, but since we had participated in this festival last year (see here for the 2023 Kura Matsuri note), we decided to attend the Maruyama Brewery with three other study group members.
今回の「金大星 蔵びらき」に参加して、他の酒蔵とは違った雰囲気を感じ、新たな酒蔵とお酒の良さを知ることができました。地域・地元とのつながりをかなり大切にしたイベントで、開会時には深谷市長や地元議員の挨拶等にはじまり、酒蔵見学、地元グルメ店の出店、埼玉工業大学とのコラボレーション等が企画に盛り込まれていました。特に印象的であったのが、埼玉工業大学の学生の皆さんによるイベントサポート、産学連携プロジェクトにより誕生した”瞬喜道 (シュンキドウ)”特別純米酒の存在です。今年で12年目(12代目)の活動とのことで、酒米づくりに始まり、酒造りはもちろんのこと、こうしたイベントでお客さまに飲んでいただく場(販売)での経験は大変貴重であることは間違いありません。埼玉県内のお酒はほぼ飲んだつもりでしたが、まだまだ知らないお酒もあり、やはり実際に酒蔵に訪問し、そのお酒の背景にある作り手や協力者の方々の思いや考え方を知ると一層そのお酒の愉しみ方も増えます。そういうことを改めて感じさせてくれるイベントでした。
Participating in this “Kintaiboshi Kurabiraki” allowed us to experience a different atmosphere from other sake breweries and to learn about new sake breweries and their sake. The event was quite important in terms of regional and community ties, and the opening ceremony included greetings from the mayor of Fukaya City and local council members, as well as sake brewery tours, local gourmet restaurants, and collaboration with the Saitama Institute of Technology. Especially impressive part was “Shunkido,” special junmai sake, created by a collaboration project and event support by students from the Saitama Institute of Technology. This year marks the 12th year (12th generation) of the project, and there is no doubt that the experience gained in the process of sake rice cultivation, sake brewing, and of course, the opportunity to drink (sell) sake to customers, are very valuable. I thought I had drunk most of the sake in Saitama Prefecture, but there are still some that I do not know about. I also think that visiting a sake brewery and learning about the thoughts and ideas of the brewers and cooperators behind the sake increases the enjoyment of that sake. This event reminded me of that.
Click here↓ for a video overview of the Maruyama Sake Brewery and Saitama Institute of Technology collaboration project.
JR岡部駅(最寄駅)に10:00前に集合、10:00発 丸山酒造行きのシャトルバスを利用し早速イベントに向かいます。ちなみに10:00発のシャトルバスは満席で補助席を利用し、我々3名までギリギリ乗車することができました。
We gathered at JR Okabe Station (the nearest station) before 10:00 a.m. and took the 10:00 a.m. shuttle bus for Maruyama Sake Brewery to the event. The shuttle bus departing at 10:00 was full, so we had to use the auxiliary seats and three of us were able to get on the bus.
When we arrived at the Maruyama Sake Brewery entrance, a line had already formed. (Many locals who are not using the shuttle bus from Okabe Station)
Visitors can participate in the lottery by answering a questionnaire at the entrance of the venue.
Maruyama Sake Brewery’s brand “Kintaiboshi ''. The origin of the sake name: “Kindaiboshi” was named after the “Kinboshi” star in sumo wrestling, so that the sake brewer would be able to achieve great success.
Sake Area
If you order “Nomikurabe”, you can drink all the sake you want on the day of the event. And students from Saitama Institute of Technology will be pouring the drinks for you. So, of course, we three ordered “Nomikurabe”!
While standing in line at the alcohol corner, I had a short chat with one of the students, who seemed to be enjoying the activity and working hard. The student I spoke with was not yet 20 years old, and happily told me that he was "almost ready to drink.
This is “Shunkido”, a collaboration between Maruyama Sake Brewery and Saitama Institute of Technology.
It is also available for purchase on the Internet.
The origin of the name is as follows
Shun: I want to live every moment of my student life.
Ki: I want to enjoy my student life.
Dou: The way of learning, the way in the middle of life
Many local gourmet restaurants also opened their doors. Kumagaya Horudon was especially great. Sake also paired well with the food.
Sake brewery tour by Mr.Maruyama, president of the brewery He answered questions from participants in detail. After the tour, he also had a chat with three of us.
The chimney was good.
Maruyama Sake Brewery, established in 1873 in Fukaya City ~In the birthplace of Eiichi Shibusawa, the father of the modern Japanese economy, and has continued the traditional techniques of “small-batch brewing” and “careful sake brewing”.~
終わりに/ In Closing
Thank you for reading to the end. Founded in 1873, the Maruyama Sake Brewery has been brewing sake for more than 150 years, and its philosophy is to “maintain tradition while evolving it further.” While maintaining the tradition of sake brewing in the same climate, with the same brewery, and with the same well water, they produce sake to make the consumers say, “Yum!” is the evolution of the product. As a process of evolution, they are discovering new ideas through collaboration with the students who will become the consumers of the future. I would like to visit again if I have a chance, and would like to exchange opinions with the students next time.
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