Better Way Conference Vienna | Panels 1&2 (2022年9月17日)より スチャリット・バクディ博士の講演の翻訳です。
Tリンパ球、キラーTリンパ球が何かを認識すると、T細胞が活性化されます。これがT細胞です。すると そのT細胞は何をするのでしょうか?そのタンパク質を作っている細胞を殺すのです。殺してしまうのです。そしてそのおかげで、ウイルスが肺の細胞に感染して肺の中で増殖しても、その細胞は殺されてしまいます。
T細胞は静かに殺します。 補体系はとても派手に殺します。そして、いいですか、いいことを教えてあげましょう。私が研究を始めたとき、補体がどのように細胞を殺すのか、誰も知りませんでした。そして私は偶然にも、その仕組みを発見したのです。だから私はここに立っているんです。このことはスライドには載っていません。教科書に載っています。
3番では、壁がタンパク質を作り始めています。タンパク質は細胞の表面に提示され、その断片は4番、5番… 4番がタンパク質で、5番はその断片です。1回目のワクチン接種で、誰でも抗体ができます。だから、ブースター接種をすると、それがブースターされるんですよ。信じられません。
どの血管が詰まったとしても、そこから栄養をもらっている細胞は死んでしまい、その脳細胞は一生再生されることはありません。だから、これが脳のどこで起こるかによって、何でも起こりうるのです。何でもです。 前頭葉を例にしてみましょう。この部分の細胞をあちこち殺してしまったらどうなるでしょう。ところで、これは、ライアンが話してくれるかもしれませんが、アルツハイマー型認知症の人は脳の前頭葉にたくさんの小さな傷跡があるのです。
これは心臓です。心臓では複数の瘢痕化がみられました。 死んだ部分が島状に黄色で示されています。あなたがトップアスリートだとして、このように(心筋が損傷)したら、もう二度とトップアスリートには戻れないでしょう。
あなたは倒れてしまい、決して以前のようには戻れません。 これはとても重要なことです。これを世界中の選手達や子どもたちに伝えなければなりません。そして、このワクチンを広めている悪い、悪い人たちにも伝えなければなりません。彼らは邪悪です。本当に悪魔のようです。人類を殺しています。そして、死の島々、瘢痕のほかに、非常に新鮮な傷も見つけました。ここです。
English transcription
Thank you so much.
I usually do not accept invitations to appear in public. And so this the first time in a long time, but it's probably the most wonderful conference I've ever attended in my life.
And I have attended many conferences. I have never felt so much positive energy in a room. I think this is what we all think.
This is an amazing, you know, I feel the energy in the air that is coming from you. And so I think we are all very, very thankful that you are here.
Now, I'm going to start straight away. You know that the W.H.O. made a video about four weeks ago announcing and proclaiming that it is determined to introduce mRNA vaccines for all vaccinations existent in the world present and future.
And at that stage, Karina and I sat down to do a bit of thinking to say, how can we alert the world to the horrible dangers, the horrible dangers of mRNA vaccines? Independent of what that mRNA is coding for. So let's go straight for the first slide. Oops!. Ah, back now.
That cell is making a protein.
When the cell makes a protein, bits and pieces of the protein like sawdust are fallouts that are presented on the surface of that cell, and that is seen by lymphocytes. So, all your lymphocytes look the same, but they have different hands, like locks that see the keys, which are the fragments of that protein, round, a triangle, a rectangle. And each cell binds specifically to a fragment.
So these are the T lymphocytes. Now we have billions of locks. And the question was always, how do these, how does this diversity of locks occur? Is…?
So, that the keys mold the locks or the locks are molded around the keys while the fetus is developing in the in the womb or locks of different shape created haphazardly just by chance.
And the answer to this came about 40, 50, 50 years ago. And it was absolutely amazing, because it was shown and now we're not talking about belief. This is the truth that I did not discover. Nobel Prize winners discovered this.
Okay. So, when these locks are created, they will fit into fragments of your own protein in black here, or they will fit onto fragments of a virus, corona, measles, mumps, anything.
Even though the baby has never seen corona, not seen measles, not seen mumps. The locks are there. The lymphocytes are there. So what happens to the lymphocytes that are directed against self? The wonder of nature is they are silenced throughout life. Once in a while, something, a mistake happens. And then you have autoimmune disease.
But the locks and the lymphocytes that are directed against non-self, all non-self are already present at birth and ready to come to life.
The moment the need arises, they will jump up and become active. Come Corona up jumps the anti-corona team come the flu up jumps, the anti-flu team, the measles, etc.. That is why babies can be vaccinated at birth. The immune system is there and the locks are there for everything. That is why children three months old, one month old can be vaccinated.
Okay, so if anyone tells you that you are not protected against a virus, community virus, you say, you go back and look at the medical textbooks because you do not know basic fact. You do not know that the world is round. You don't know that the immune system has been created so that it is ready and able to recognize anything that is alien, that is going to induce...
When a T lymphocyte, a Killer T lymphocyte recognizes something, T cell and gets activated. What does that T cell do? It kills the cell that is making that protein. It kills it. And this is very good for us because if a virus gives it to the lung cell and multiplies in the lungs, that gets killed.
It's okay. The factories out. And the wonderful thing is that most cells and most organs, tissues in your body can regenerate. So the wounds heal. However, there are certain organs that cannot regenerate. That's your brain, your heart. And if something happens there, it's very, very bad.
Now, when T cells get activated by a different mechanisms, something else is going to happen. They are going to activate the B cells and the B cells on the right, and the B cells will then make antibodies. And the antibodies are made not against the fragments, but against the protein that's sitting on this cell. You see. Now, if these antibodies are present where a virus is, for instance, corona, then these antibodies can bind to that protein and stop that protein from entering a cell.
However, and this is something that everyone must learn in school, you know, if you vaccinate someone or you get vaccinated yourself and you have antibodies, these antibodies are going to be in the blood. But airway, respiratory pathogens don't come into the blood. They come into the lung and they enter the door that is in front of the hotel.
So if antibodies in the blood, they will never stop the entry of that virus? Never. They cannot, will not and will never do so. This is not belief. This is fact. And it's been known for decades. We know for decades, know the textbook of medicine. Now, imagine that this hall is a blood vessel. The problem is that these so-called vaccines are packaged such that if they are put in the muscle, they will always reach the blood stream.
Always, not all of them, but a sizable portion. And the numbers that are being injected into the muscles of these poor people in the world are so vast that the whole vessel system is going to be filled with these. And the trouble about these vaccines is that they will enter any cell that they contact if they have a chance to, especially where the blood is slowly passing through, which is in the small vessels, the capillaries that's where it is bound to happen always.
So, imagine now that this protein is being made in the vessel wall, because that's what's going to happen. So that, that proteins going to sit projecting out of the roof into the bloodstream, it's going to meet the antibodies that are supposed to stop the virus coming through the front door. That doesn't work. What does work is these antibodies are going to bind.
And when these antibodies bind, they will activate the second killer system of the immune system, which is complement. Complement is something that no one has ever heard about, but it is the sister system of the clotting system. The clotting system is activated, the blood clots, the complement system is activated. It kills the cell. So there's a double kill and the complement mediated killing is much, much more violent than the T cells.
The T cells kill silently. The complement system kills very loudly. and well, Okay. I'm going to tell you something. You know, when I started doing research, no one knew how complement was killing a cell. And I happened to discover how this happened. So that's why I'm standing here, actually. And so this is not slide. It's in the textbooks.
And I know, therefore, that it is a very, very bad idea to have antibodies binding to the wall of the vessel because complement is due a joint force with the killer lymphocytes and destroy the vessel wall.
Now, look, this is a vessel, all right? One is the intact vessel wall. The vaccine comes in the bloodstream, enters the vessel wall cell.
In number three, the wall starts to make the protein. The protein is presented on the surface of the cell and the fragments are two, four and five. Four is the protein, five are the fragments. So the antibodies after the first vaccination, everyone gets his antibodies. So when you do the booster, it is the booster, right? So it's incredible.
How can you do this? Yeah. Then you produce that thing into a bomb, which is the bloodstream where the antibodies is waiting with the complement system, they will attack them. Then the T lymphocytes also join in. So the vessel wall is damaged. When the vessel wall is damaged, two things happened. First, the blood will clot because that is that's why the blood is the clotting system is there.
And second, those vaccines are going to leak through into the organs. Now, you know, your vessel system is the wonder of nature. Oh, God, it's closed. Even viruses can't get past that. And now these guys, Pfizer, Moderna, I said, are ripping open the vessel system was created by nature, allowing foreign genes to enter the tissues, the brain, the heart, the liver, the lung, anything you want.
And they start making the same. They go through the same process. And this, of course, starts of another self-attack or to attack autoimmune process that cannot be stopped, will never be able to be stopped. Never, ever.
Look, this is a vessel cast of the brain. Your brain consumes 20% of the oxygen of the body. As you're sitting here, every cell needs its oxygen, and the capillaries of the brain are bringing the blood and the oxygen to those cells.
You'll go clogging up any of those vessels. The cells that are being fed are going to die and the brain cells will never be replaced. Gone. So depending on where this happens in the brain, anything can happen. Anything. The frontal lobe, you go around killing, islets of death...which are found, by the way, Ryan would tell you, people with Alzheimer dementia, it's a frontal lobe, lots of little scars in the brain.
No one knows why. But if you have a little infarct, you may sort of have a proxy, may not be able to speak or somewhere else. No one knows. Your brain stops functioning. You can't remember, you can't think. You don't have a will, a mind. You become mindless in some part of the brain. Ah... Some parts of the brain control your movement.
You have a palsy..(聞き取れず). Other parts, another part of the brain controls the relaxation. And if that goes, you start having jerks. Okay, it's so simple. It's going to happen, and it is happening. A part of the brain is responsible for what is most human of all your psyche and your personality, your memory, and your ability to think.
And that's why, it is my conviction, This is now science because I don't know this, but I'm observing this around me. People are being changed. They're being changed, and they will never get back to normal because the cells are dead. What a horrible thought that the W.H.O., Bill Gates and all these guys want to vaccinate our children. They are going to destroy humanity.
They are going to destroy humanity. If you don't do something about this.
Now, I'm going to show you pictures of a pathologist who is going to remain unnamed. Now, if this is true, could it be the people are getting injured, the vessels are getting injured in different parts of the body like the brain. And this is the first case that is going to be reported, hopefully very soon.
This is a brain of a man who died after his third vaccination. No one knew what he died of, but his brain was looked at and what was found was that the small vessels of the brain carried the spike protein and there was a vasculitis and there was a leakage of the vessels in many parts of the brain.
It matched the description of multifocal necrotizing encephalitis, one of the most rare pathological presentations in the I think the only ten cases known all in the wake of the flu pandemic, ten cases. This is a case where there's no flu, there's no virus because there's no nucleocapsid.
This is another section where the pathologist showed that it cannot be the virus.
And in the brain, he could see neural death. That's number one. These cells are dying. They're dying. And lymphocytes. Why are the lymphocytes there? You know, but others don't yet.
And what he found was that these small vessels that were spiked could be found in other organs, too. And this never happens. You get vasculitis, not only the brain, but also in the heart.
And he looked at two others who died of different things. And Arne Burkhardt, is going to be showing more of this. And they all had spike proteins in the vessel wall and vasculitis.
This is the heart. And what he saw in the heart was multi scarring. So, islets of death are yellow. Imagine you are a top athlete, and you get this you will never become a top athlete again.
You're going to fall down, and you will never you will never come back to what you used to be. And this is so important. We get this out to the athletes of the world and the children and, and all the very bad people who are propagating this. They are evil. They are really evil. They are killing mankind. So, beside the islets of death, the scars he found islets of very fresh lesions, which is here.
So, the red part is not healthy. They are lymphocytes there. And you see dead and dying myocytes, which are heart cells. Isn't this absolutely horrible?
And remember, these vessels are in your brain and in your heart down to the capillaries. And there are very, very few cases where capillaries get clogged very, very seldom. What we are witnessing is that probably millions of people are getting their capillaries clogged, the gift of God, the vessel system.
The conclusion is it doesn't matter what this mRNA is encoding for, every non-self-protein is going to create the same disaster. So don't let this happen. Every injected mRNA vaccine will cause severest, severest damage in our body and must be forbidden.