Review of the first fiscal year of Papageno,Inc. [Mental Health Startups in Japan]
On February 28, 2023, the first fiscal year of Papageno,Inc. ended and the first financial statement was successfully filed by the tax accountant in Japan. Profits are calculated at the end of the term, the financial statements are prepared, and taxes are paid on the profits made.
In this NOTE, we will review the results of our year-long challenge to launch a business in the field of mental health by reviewing the numbers in our financial statements. (This is almost similar to the business report we organized for Papageno's shareholders' meeting.)
We hope the following people will read this article.
Those who are preparing to start a business and are considering a business plan for the first term
Those interested in business in the mental health field in Japan
Those who are interested in social business aiming to solve social issues
Those who would like to raise funds through loans or crowdfunding
Those who are interested in Papageno as a company
I'm disclosing the numbers nakedly and making it a paid NOTE (¥1,000), but I'm giving it away for free to anyone who has met with me, so feel free to DM me.
A podcast of the four Papageno members discussing their year in review is also available though it's in Japanese.
Now we will face the numbers and the results!
¥ 1,000