TOGETEN #5 健康と台北①(Healthy and Taipei①)
また、迪化街の通りには、小商いなお茶屋がひしめき合っており、迪化街通りを歩いていても、お茶や香辛料、飲食店のお店が連続していた。 こんなにも、お茶屋や香辛料屋が大量に立ち並ぶようになったのは、台湾の人々の「健康意識」からだそう。お茶は、古来から中国では、一般飲料ではなく、クスリの代わりとしてずっと使用されてきた。TOGETEN#4でも説明したが、台湾の寺は医療的役割を持ち、クスリとしてお茶を処方するように寺の僧侶が処方箋を出していたため、その近隣にはお茶屋がひしめき合っていたそう。前回のサムネイルにした大稲埕慈聖宮は、迪化街にあるお寺であり、その前方にもお茶屋がびっしりであった。
To talk another area. I will discuss “Dihua Street”. These buildings and streets have remained largely untouched.
During the time when Taiwan was colonised by Japan, this area was used as the central bay to export fabrics and food from Taiwan to Japan. Also, this centre became one of the biggest trade centres in Taiwan.
However, the downtown area moved to the east side of Taipei from there. Also, some commercial and industrial activities did too. This area retains old traditional stores and shops and is evaluated as one of the most traditional streets in Taiwan from all over the world.
By the way, the main products sold in this area are “Tea” and “Spice”. The first place I saw when visited this street was a very huge food and fabric market. It is called the “Yongle market”. This market was built by the Japanese military to maintain public health. They think they want to improve public health, we have to make opportunities and allow people to get something fresh. Also, something to eat and drink relates to human health the most. So, this market has a big grocery market on the ground floor.
While I was walking down this street, I found many types of tea and spice shops. The reason why this relates to Taiwanese health awareness. For a long time, people have been drinking tea to get healthier or cure diseases in Taiwan. As I write in TOGETEN #4, temples work as a hospital. And, the priest in the temple gives prescriptions written down names and types of tea. So, there are many tea shops around the temple. Around “Dadaocheng Cisheng Temple” located on Dihua Street used the Thumbnail of TOGETEN #4, there are many tea shops too.
Furthermore, I bought two types of tea at the shops near the street. Although one tea is a little sweet, the other is too bitter to drink. However, the woman of this shop’s owner told us that a bitter one was work to be anti-ageing and maintain your skin healthier. Also, she drinks 1 L of this bitter tea every day.
In short, Dihua Streets is an area formatted by a relationship with Health awareness. And, many people come there to be more healthy.
台北滞在中に参加したまちあるきツアー「島内散歩 Walk in Taiwan」
The map drawn the landscape old buildings and architects in Dihua Street.
Japanese short drama introduces foods at Yongle market and Dihua Street.
ほかのTOGETENもぜひ!!Please read another story!!